Sailing with KIST

02 June 2012 | San Diego, CA
27 May 2012 | Pacific coast of Baja California
16 May 2012 | Turtle Bay
08 May 2012 | Bahia Magdelena
27 April 2012 | La Paz, Mexico
25 April 2012 | La Paz
14 April 2012 | La Paz
03 April 2012 | La Paz, Mexico
21 March 2012 | Stone Island, Mazatlan
16 March 2012 | La Cruz
09 March 2012 | Melaque, Barra, and Tenacatita
01 March 2012 | Melaque
23 February 2012 | Banderas Bay
08 February 2012 | Banderas Bay
31 January 2012 | Banderas Bay
29 January 2012 | La Cruz
24 January 2012
23 January 2012 | San Blas

Back to the baja side

03 April 2012 | La Paz, Mexico
Our trip across the Sea of Cortez was uneventful which means that it was one that I liked and Kevin was bored. The seas were flat, wind was close to nonexistent, and we only saw one or two other vessels the entire 176 miles which for us took 31.5 hours. It also meant we had to motor the entire passage and used more fuel than we anticipated using. Our original plan was to reach Los Frailes and then head north towards La Paz. Instead we reached Los Frailes, spent a night, and headed south to San Jose Cabo the next closest port with fuel because we weren't sure we'd be able to make it to La Paz on what we had on board. Nothing like a 46 mile trip (there and back) in the opposite direction of your destination to make you wonder just what the heck you are doing out here! All was good though, no mishaps, no running out of fuel, no problemo. I love being in the country of 'no problemo'.

On our return north we once again stayed in Los Frailes. We've now been there three times and this time finally took the time to climb the peak that makes the point of the bay. I really wanted to get to the top so we could see to the other side and the surrounding waters. The climb is on trails marked with small rock sculptures, narrow, most of the time steep and rocky, and in some cases pretty close to prickly cactus. About 2/3 of the way to the top Kevin asked me if I wanted to continue, evidently my face was a bit on the red side and I may have been panting a little, but I was determined. Finally we made it to the top and the view was beautiful. We could see KIST at anchor to the south in Bahia Los Frailes and the outlines of the reefs to the north in Cabo Pulmo National Marine Park. A lizard was sunning itself on the highest point, a small rock sculpture that someone had created. Nice spot for a lizard I guess but I would have preferred a beautiful leafy tree for shade.

We have spent the last few days in La Paz, or what I've heard referred to as Cruisers Heaven. La Paz, is a fairly large town of about 175,000 people, an international airport and a huge community of expats but much more laid back than the big cities of Cabo, Mazatlan and Puerto Vallarta. Again, we wonder about how the Mexican people are able to make ends meet. Kevin and I went out to dinner at a local restaurant recommended by two cruisers we ran into as well as the guide book for his birthday. It was Saturday night and there were only two tables occupied, ours and a group of six. The restaurant has a view of the boardwalk pointing towards the west and the sunset was beautiful. There was an off road race car promotion and check in set up right below the restaurant with souped up VW's and I don't know what else parading below us. Kevin enjoyed the view and I really enjoyed my coconut shrimp!

Early in the day we'd run into our friend Theo from Mariannetto and made plans to have dinner with he and Marian, his wife, the following day. Poor Marian had hurt her foot falling on the wonderful maintained sidewalks of Mexico but whipped up a delicious pasta dish anyway. We ended the evening with a rip roaring card game of what I'll call 'oh, darn' since this is a family blog. It was a nice change from the cribbage games Kevin and I have been playing.

After a few days of boat chores we're ready to head back out and continue exploring the region. KIST has a nice clean bottom and hull, we've had two REAL showers, and we've stocked up on groceries. Ready to go!

Since my Dad reads the blog more then his e-mail I thought I would use it to send out a happy birthday wish. He is 81 on April 4th. Happy Birthday Dad! Hope you have a great one.
Love Kevin and Bonnie
Vessel Name: KIST
Vessel Make/Model: Fraser 41
Hailing Port: Bellingham WA
Crew: Kevin and Bonnie Peterson
About: Kevin and Bonnie hail from Bellingham Washington. Kevin is a special education teacher at Mount Baker High School in Deming Washington and Bonnie is a self employed project manager. We have two wonderful daughters and two very special grand daughters whom we are going to miss very much on our trip.

Who: Kevin and Bonnie Peterson
Port: Bellingham WA