Beach bowling
16 May 2012 | Turtle Bay
This is our second time at Bahia Tortuga or more commonly known in the cruising community as Turtle Bay. The first time was in November and we were anxious to move through as quickly as possible on our quest for sunshine and warmth. We only stayed one or two nights and barely explored the town. This time we were just as anxious to move through quickly only in the opposite direction in our quest for home. It seems that regardless of where you are the desire to go home toward the end of a vacation/trip/adventure or whatever gets stronger the closer you get and although we aren't exactly close to good ole Bellingham, the pull is definitely being felt.
As the weather gods would have it, we have been in Turtle Bay for five days and had plenty of time to explore the town and surrounding area, try the only restaurant we could find open, do some grocery shopping, take on fuel via panga, and bowl on the beach...Fred Flintstone style.
For those of you who have never been bowling ala Fred Flintsone all that is needed is a rock with finger size holes and a few others that can be used for pins. No problem when you are in an area of sandstone. Kevin found the perfect bowling rock with nice rounded but somewhat square edges and then we set up the pins and away we bowled. Kevin went first and knocked over 6 pins and but left two standing on his spare. Next it was my turn. The pin picker upper machine (Kevin) set the pins back up in formation and I, in all my perfect bowling stance and style, managed to roll the ball so that it knocked over a few pins and managed to pick up all but one for my spare. So if we were keeping score I would have beat Kevin ;-).
The other thing we've been doing for entertainment is playing a game called Baja Rummy. It is a little like Hand and Foot for those of you who have played it and takes a long time to get through so is a good way to spend an afternoon. So far Kevin has been winning and if we were keeping score it would be Kevin 8, Bonnie 1. Now, most of you know I am not very competitive when it comes to games and just like to play. I don't normally care whether I win or lose. But for some reason I'm getting a bit on the grumpy side as Kevin consistently lays down his last card and I'm not even close to going out. I'm not ready to give up though, I know there is at least one more win in the cards for me and if Kevin can stand having me through my cards at him as he says "and, I'm out" then I'll continue to play.