24 September 2009 | KW
02 June 2009 | KW
19 February 2009 | Key West, Fl.
08 October 2008 | KW
31 May 2008 | Ft Myers Beach
31 May 2008 | Ft Myers Beach
27 April 2008 | Web
13 April 2008 | In.
13 April 2008 | Tn.
16 March 2008 | On way to Ft Myers Beach
15 February 2008 | Key West
13 February 2008 | Keys
12 February 2008 | KW
03 February 2008 | Keys
15 January 2008 | Ft Myers Beach
15 January 2008 | Mooring Field
18 November 2007 | anywhere
16 November 2007 | Key West
24 September 2007 | Jacksonville


24 September 2009 | KW
* Change your attitude, but stay natural.
* Do not discuss defects.
* Don't worry about other people.
* Work on your greatest imperfection first.
* Abandon all hope of results.
* Give up poisonous food.
* Don't be consistent.
* Don't indulge in malicious gossip.
* Don't wait in ambush.
* Don't strike at the heart.
* Don't put the yak's load on the cow.
* Remember - this is not a competition.
* Don't be sneaky.
* Don't abuse your divine power for selfish reasons.
* Don't expect to profit from other people's misfortune.
* In all your activities, have a single purpose.
* Solve all problems by accepting the bad energy and sending out the good.
* Renew your commitment when you get up and before you go to sleep.
* Accept good and bad fortune with an equal mind.
* Keep your vows even at the risk of your life.
* Recognize your neurotic tendencies, overcome them, then transcend them.
* Find a teacher, tame the roving mind, choose a lifestyle that allows you to practice.
* Love your teacher, enjoy your practice, keep your vows.
* Focus your body, mind, and spirit on the path.
* Exclude nothing from your acceptance practice: train with a whole heart.
* Always meditate on whatever you resent.
* Don't depend on how the rest of the world is.
* In this life, concentrate on achieving what is most meaningful.
* Don't let your emotions distract you, but bring them to your practice.
* Don't let your practice become irregular.
* Train wholeheartedly.
* Free yourself by first watching, then analyzing.
* Don't feel sorry for yourself.
* Don't be jealous
* Stay focused.
* Don't expect any applause.
Vessel Name: Know Patience
Vessel Make/Model: Beneteau 361
Hailing Port: Key West, FL
Crew: Michael Britt
About: Single Sailor
Extra: http://webcam.keywest.com/

Know Patience

Who: Michael Britt
Port: Key West, FL