sailing Koa e Kea

19 September 2022 | Salt Spring Island
09 March 2022 | Paradise Village Marina
20 January 2022 | Nuevo Vallarta
01 December 2021 | Nuevo Vallerta
24 October 2021 | Paradise Village Marina Nuevo Vallerta
09 October 2021 | Salt Spring Island
14 November 2020 | Salt Spring Island
01 January 2020 | Panama City
10 October 2019 | Siracusa, Sicily
19 September 2019 | Catania
09 September 2019 | Malta
03 September 2019 | Siracusa
31 August 2019
31 August 2019
22 August 2019 | Taormina
17 August 2019 | Taormina
17 August 2019 | Castelmola
13 August 2019 | Taormina
10 August 2019 | Taormina
07 August 2019 | Taormina

Onward for Cam and back to BC for me

10 October 2019 | Siracusa, Sicily
vikki Cassar Torreggiani | warm
It has been sometime since I've posted here! Not too much going on other than touring around this beautiful city of Siracusa, Sicily. Really have enjoyed the little markets where you can pick out some kind of fresh food to create a meal with.Endless little cafes to stop at and have a beer usually with an incredible background of ancient buildings.

Our friends left and we stayed around Taormina for awhile. The boat repair was completed in Catania, although Cam still hasn't received the money from the Insurance company. It was a very slow process that really held us up. Have to say Sicily is a pretty fantastic place to be "held up" in .

We ended up in Siracusa again because it has the best protection while we wait for Cam's friends to arrive . Cam has been working hard on getting as much done to prepare the boat for the crossing. The boat has so many technical things its completely mind boggling to me!

Its interesting how little you can manage with living on a boat, you have very few "things" . I could only bring so much in the way of clothes, I think I repacked my suitcase 5 times each time unloading more clothes. When you have lots of room you can have clothes that you can't give up and never wear for years; on a boat not so much!. I had to tell myself OK ..." you never wear this now what makes you think you'll wear it on the boat" LOL LOL ... silly but glad I did because once your on the boat and it is as hot as it was you really don't need much. I still managed to bring too much.

Also the fridge space changes - we are lucky to have 3 drawer style fridges on the boat and they do hold a lot more than I thought they would. Still,you are limited yet it works.
None of those big drawers with Tupperware type stuff in them. This boat happened to have 6 of everything for dishes, quite a lot for a boat.

I have been learning that you really don't need a lot of stuff and that's it's actually easier! A small drawer of cooking utensils rather than a packed full one of items you never use.It is a better way to live,reuse, recycle, upcycle every little bit we do is helping. We have noticed a lot of plastic and garbage in the water, it's really sad to see this. In Catania we watched the fishing boats come in and literally through their garbage out the window of the boat into the water. I see the posts of Facebook with the mountains of plastic and I know I need to better . SORRY, off on a little rant there.

The weather is still very warm, if you're ever thinking about a trip to Sicily ( which I highly recommend ) Sept and Oct are great, less tourists and the weather is still fantastic. ALTHOUGH- we just had a few days of Thunderstorms and pouring rain!

It has been a great adventure, some days for me I was challenged by the big seas- actually really scared. Most days were beautiful.
There was so much to do on the boat so we didn't get as much time to sail as planned. You just go with the flow!

One of Cam's friends arrived yesterday and the other arrives late tonight. I head to the airport in Catania early tomorrow. Hoping we can find the right bus.

So excited for Cam and his sailor buddies ! Cam is really looking forward to the sailing.

Thanks for taking time to share this adventure with us, we have loved your comments!. Cam is always keen to hear how the Tai Chi group is doing.

See you in Salt Spring at some point.

Vessel Name: Koa e Kea
Vessel Make/Model: Pinta 53
Hailing Port: Victoria BC
Crew: Vikki and Cam
About: Cam and Vikki have been living in Salt Spring Island during the summer months and Mexico in the winter.