The adventure continues...
01 January 2020 | Panama City
vikki Cassar Torreggiani | Humid hot
Well I thought I would do a bit of an update ! Some of our friends don’t have Facebook and haven’t heard much on the rest of the trip.
I’ve been back at house in Salt Spring which has not sold! Fortunately we left a few items behind and all has been just fine for me here.
I’ve had a chance to unwind after Italy and all the excitement aboard our new boat Koa e Kea.
Cam on the other hand has been full steam ahead to get her to La Cruz Mexico.
Cam was joined by three other crew members who sailed with him from Sicily and all the way across the Great Atlantic Ocean to St Lucia in the Canary Islands.
They had some tricky weather in the Med and crazy wind, I believe the worst was when they were in a Marina in Spain and well tied up!
They mentioned the wind hitting up to speeds of 50kph eek is all I can say! I’ve seen 40+ and that was WAY more than I ever wanted to see.
Once in St Lucia for various reasons the three other crew, it was the end of the trip for them.
Cam stayed there and had things fixed such as a ripped Spinnaker and a few other things that needed to be repaired after the long 20 day journey across the Atlantic.
A new crew and fellow sailor friend from Vancouver made the quick decision to join Cam for the rest of the trip to Mexico.
They left and sailed to Aruba where they stopped for the night to fix a few things.
They made really good time to Panama from Aruba. As some of you were following the tracker and could see some fast speed there.
Once in Panama, sadly though, Ron his new crew needed to head home just before Christmas, he ended up very sick and just couldn’t get better. Panama was excruciatingly hot and humid . Not a good place to be so far from home when you’re not well.
He is recovering now back in BC.
Cam has now gone through the canal and is waiting for his next crew to join him for the trip down the West Coast of Mexico.
Yes things did go wrong in the canal and the boat suffered a scrape, all stories to tell later. Cam met up with two guys on a boat from Duncan BC ! So cool!
Cam is hoping that if the winds are ok and they don’t end up waiting out weather they should be in La Cruz around Jan 20th ish.
I am really looking forward to seeing him and knowing that he can finally rest and relax . I am amazed by it all! I’ve worried a lot but I know Cam does the best he can at all times !
Cheers to all and Happy New Year ! Here’s to much good health ( if we don’t have that we don’t have much) for 2020.