Temporary Landlubbers!
19 September 2022 | Salt Spring Island
vikki and Cam | Sunny
Well Hello!! It’s been months ! Now it’s Sept 19th 2022! Just happens to be; International Talk Like A Pirate Day! A good day to catch up on our much ignored blog.
We got back to Salt Spring in April and went right to our Trawler boat . The weather was really wet and cold, kind of a shock after Mexico. We expected it to soon warm up, but, it didn’t! I think late July summer finally arrived.
We had fun sprucing up our Trawler, named KT Williams. We are changing the name to “Summertime”but because there’s ceremonies in doing this, we haven’t got to that yet!
We painted and added some nautical decor. Cam made a fibreglass countertop for the head, he also hooked up a sink from a beautiful wooden bowl that belonged to his Mom. It looks so good, also of course it’s soooo nice to have a sink in the head.
Cam fixed some electrical things that made it so we could plug in our phones etc. He also hooked up a shower outside- very handy ! Cam as usual has really done a fantastic job on the boat. ❤️
We really love just puttering around the Gulf Islands, we never tire of the extraordinary scenery. A very memorable day was having a massive Humpback Cow and her calf surface RIGHT in front of the boat. Cam quickly turned off the motor and we watched her gracefully slide through the water and then disappear . I managed to get a few photos . This was the first time I had seen a Humpback Whale in the area. It truly was thrilling and breathtaking,to be so close; and at the same time, a little frightening.
We finally decided to try crabbing! At first we were unbelievably surprised to have 7 crabs 🦀 in a trap! Wow! After that we didn’t have too much luck- the next big catch was all females which you have to put back. Just lately we have been getting 2 or 3 which is perfect! You can do a lot with 2 crabs. Poor Cam got badly chomped by a crab! He bit right through Cam’s nail. That took forever to heal- he was very careful after that. Great respect for the strength of those claws!!
A big part of the cruising life is socializing, we had some wonderful visits with friends! Thanks to all who joined us for a cruise.
Cam continues to teach Tai Chi in Salt Spring, I participated in the Saturday Market with my Art Cards and canvases, I wasn’t able to go too many times due to weather.
I do love being on the water but am looking forward to land time. I now really appreciate conveniences ! We aren’t totally off grid on the boat, we have hot and cold water, shower etc. you just have to be conservative with your usage.( good practice anytime) Things are just smaller lol! Getting groceries and doing laundry, going to town means loading up in the row boat- rowing to shore carting things into the car then doing the same back to the boat. I can’t believe I ever whined about having to carry groceries into the house!! Or having to go all the way to the other room 10 feet away to put in a load of wash!! The water ran freely from a tap! We now have to go for 2 hours to a marina when we need more water ( actually always fun to do that) . It’s amazing that we use so few pots- I used to have way too many, I really realize that now.
All in all living on a boat makes you think more about consumerism, how easy it is to get caught up in having so much more than we need. I’m working on it- when you don’t have the space you tend not to indulge, and that is a good thing.
We both managed to get Covid ( fully vaccinated) Cam didn’t feel sick at all really, no symptoms even. I didn’t feel great for a couple of weeks. Hopefully we are even more immune now.
We will be looking after friends place on Salt Spring until end of Oct. We are taking the current boat out of the water for the winter, that will happen near the the end of Sept.
Cam is waiting to here about his knee surgery which has been delayed again. Hopefully he will get it done in October. So, we are not exactly sure when we will get to Mexico.
Until next time!! Take care all!A few thoughts from me; Let’s hope We are all Covid free soon! Strange to think we now have a King! I hope D.Trump is finally caught up with for all his tyranny.