Moving on
04 January 2016 | Marsh Harbour
Jim - Partly sunny 80 degrees
Sitting in Green Turtle Cay Saturday morning listening to Chris's weather synopsis for the upcoming days, it was becoming evident that the passage of the next cold front was going to make our anchorage a little rough. So we opted to move to something a little more protected to our south. After some discussion and a more detailed check of the weather files, we picked Marsh Harbour as the next stop. Sunday morning dawned as a partly cloudy day with some rain clouds patrolling to our south.....yep, right where we were heading.
Of course the wind cooperated by staying right on our nose a good portion of the way. But the seas were pretty flat with only some good sized rollers coming in off the ocean in the Whale Cut area. So the travel wasn't uncomfortable. When passing Whale Cay in a rain storm we noticed a "little" boat anchored all by itself and taking up the entire anchorage at the north end of Guana Cay. It IS a pity when the chopper has to hang off the aft deck. I guess that the Attessa IV just wasn't long enough at 330' to fit it completely. Kinda puts in perspective just how small our own problems really are!
Anyway, we arrived and anchored in Marsh Harbour Sunday afternoon and we are probably staying put thru mid week until conditions turn a little better. The harbor is fairly busy with boats coming and going all day and night. The inter-island ferrys seem almost non-stop at times. Sitting at anchor we watched a couple of dolphins play in the harbor beside the boat. I guess Marsh isn't all hustle and bustle.
We found out that Marsh now has digital TV broadcasting in the harbor. They re-broadcast some major network feeds from south Florida on channels in the 12.2 thru 12.8 range at 480i resolution. We watched for about a half hour to find out how the "rest of the world" lives, especially Hollywood types. Turned it off and went back to life in the Abacos-aahhhhhhh, much better.
Now back to the boat chores.....hmmm, life!