So-long Orcas island
09 June 2012 | West sound Marina, Orcas Island Wa.
We are finally saying goodbye to Orcas Island, West Sound Marina, our temporary home for the last month, to begin our journey north. We will miss watching the bird life. How fascinating and enjoyable a time we had observing them everyday. You get to know the 'locals' as it were. There was the gaggle of very noisy geese to greet the morning and just before dark return in a ruckus to let everyone know they were back for the night. Also, the osprey that caught a fish right in front of us while we were sitting with the dogs on the small beach. On a small island next to the marina, there was a pair of bald eagles, probably nesting in one of the large conifers. Our favorite was the resident great blue heron that walked the docks, kept other herons from hanging around too long and spent his day fishing in all the nooks and crannies. So long feathered friends, we're on our way.