Koeketiene on Tour

Going places - one day at a time

It never rains but it pours

Quick update:
The rigger has been and gone.
The news is not good.

First surprise of the morning: the forestay is not wire but rod rigging. Age unknown, but it would be safe to assume it’s as old as the furling gear -> 2001.
Replacement is STRONGLY recommended.

The good news is that the existing foils do work with wire rigging.
Next, the not so good news: it seems that the main culprit of our woes is the halyard swivel.
The unit is no longer in production but might be repaired or refurbished. To be investigated.
The furling drum also has some ‘minor’ issues. How long before they become major issues?

I’ve been told that the current furler (Reckmann RS2000) is a solid and reliable bit of kit I should be aware that nothing lasts for ever.

Now awaiting two quotes: one for repair/refurbishment of the current furler and one for a new furler. Thinking along the lines of a Profurl C350 or a Harken MkIV unit 1.
The forestay is being replaced regardless of which option I choose. Most of the running rigging too.

Better news:
- The windex working again. Started working again as miraculously as it stopped working. Gremlins? I’m not going to look a gift horse in the mouth right now, but I will keep a close eye on it.
- The fridge has been re-gassed and seems to be working again right now. Will check in the coming days whether or not it’s still OK and to establish if we’re dealing with a major or a slow leak or …
Onwards and upwards, but it’s safe to say that sailing is out of the question in the very near future.
