Koeketiene on Tour

Going places - one day at a time

Summer Cruise - take 2 - day 3

Leaving early paid dividends.
Nice breeze till about 09H30.

Then another two hours with the kite up and dolphins on the bow for about an hour.
By 11H00 the kite came down and I motor-sailed the last 12NM.
SOG of 1.2kts in 4kts of true wind didn't quite do it for me.

This evening, my better half came over for a visit.
Caught up with news from the home front over a nice meal in town.

Main takeaway point today: Carly really isn't at her best when I have the kite up. She's solid to windward or on a reach, but downwind not so much.
Maybe I'm missing something.
To be investigated.

Looking for an 08H00 departure for the final 12NM to home.

Today was a good day.
