South Pacific Impressions

22 June 2008 | chinook
13 June 2008 | chinook
04 June 2008 | chinook
02 June 2008 | chinook
24 May 2008 | chinook
22 May 2008 | chinook
14 May 2008 | chinook
09 May 2008 | chinook
03 May 2008 | chinook
25 April 2008 | chinook
14 April 2008 | chinook
14 April 2008 | chinook
14 April 2008 | chinook
28 March 2008 | chinook
25 March 2008 | chinook
23 March 2008 | chinook
20 March 2008 | chinook
18 March 2008 | chinook
18 March 2008 | chinook
14 March 2008 | chinook

203 miles in one day!

20 March 2008 | chinook
We are having a variety of sailing experiences. The first five days were fantasy sailing. Calm seas, reaching in 10-15 knts of wind, warm, sunny skies, cold beer,all day spinnaker runs, three course diner with place setting in the cockpit table, sundowners, green flash, a bottle of red and night skies full of stars. THings never remain the same. A little reality check and our winds increased to 25-30 knt. with 15-20 ft. swells and a triple reef. Dining changed considerably to trusty "Tasty Bites" out of the bag. The finale of the last day of high winds and triple reef was a payoff of 203 miles in 24 hours, a great upside to some discomfort. After three full days of rocking and rolling, the winds have abated, the swells diminished and we're back to the fantasy sailing. We have jibed and are sailing to our waypoint at which we'll enter the Intertropical Convergence Zone - stay tuned for what adventures the ITCZ has in store.

Depuis hier nous avons graduellement renvoye la toile et, apres qques jours bien secoues nous voila dans une tres belle journee avec le cap sur les calmes de l`equateur; le bateau va toujours un peu trop vite pour que la peche soit frutueuse...mais c`est vraiment agreable! Nous parlons tous les jours a la radio avec d`autres bateaux aussi en route pour les Marquises mais un peu en arriere par rapport a nous.Le moral de l`equipage est excellent; nous allons maintenant arriver dans le regime des grains tropicaux..Etonnament la temperature est toujours tres supportable et meme fraiche la nuit.. Bonjour a tous !

---------- radio email processed by SailMail for information see:
Vessel Name: Chinook
Vessel Make/Model: Saga 43
Hailing Port: Evergreen Colorado
Crew: David and Candy

South Pacific Impressions

Who: David and Candy
Port: Evergreen Colorado