Hakahaa Bay
25 April 2008 | chinook
A week has gone by since Bruno left. We continue to explore this remarkable island. We celebrated Candy's birthday with friends at Hakata Bay. Our friends made Candy a crown from balloons and we celebrated with a barbeque, champagne and birthday cake. There is a large waterfall with a large resident eel a two hour hike up a trail from the bay. It was like walking through the garden of Eden. The first Survivor series was shot at this bay. We returned to Taiohae Bay where we reprovisioned for the next six weeks. While there we went to dinner with friends and had wood fired pizza and Hinano beer. We checked out and continued on to the next bay, Hakahaa. This is where Melville jumped ship and started writing. His novel Typee is about Marquesan life during his time here. We walked through the village where he lived and hiked up a trail to see an ancient religious site with Tiki's and a room (hole) where they kept victims for their ritual feasts. Tomorrow we will sail to the north side of the island and anchor at Anaho bay. Our attempt to transfer images to our photo gallery didn't work. The data transfer is too slow for the files. I need to find a program to compress our image files before we can enter them to our blog site. I don't expect to have access to another internet cafe for six weeks so we may be home before we can load the images to our site.
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