Sylvan Beach to Ilion
04 September 2008 | Ilion, NY
90 and hot
We were originally going to Utica but ended up in Ilion. I really needed a shower, and power to catch up on my journal and pictures. We covered 4 locks today; two up and now back down again. Lock 22 carried us up 25 ft, then lock 21 another 26 ft up. Sore, sore, sore... But at least the rest of them are going down so we don't have the turbulence to deal with. Hey guess what... they're right, after 20 locks its old hat!
Long day - but beautiful. How can I describe it for you. It was like we were alone on this long winding river and canal, except for a barge and tug here and there. The colors are on the verge of changing. The smells are incredible, sweet wildflowers, the aroma of pine, cedar, and burning campfires all hint at fall. Trees are tinted yellow, and leaves dance on the surface of the water, and the fish... the fish are huge and jumping. Bushes and scrub with red berries line the waterfront, ready for the geese and ducks to start harvesting them. The reed grass and small bamboo grass break through the surface and ripple the water as the wind dances across them. Now that the wild humans are gone the blue herons are along the waters edge hunting for their feast of minnows in the shallows. Ducks and cormorants act as vanguards and swim ahead then part to the side to let us pass almost as if to say, "you lead" and "farwell"...
Some of the old pilings stand entwined in cable in the water - sentinels of days past when they held up old piers perhaps, now at haphazard angles in the canal. Graceful in a sad way...
There were several barges and tugs along the canal today. Some were inspecting bridges, some dredging, some harvesting wood and trees that had fallen into the water. One barge/tug (Erie) that we came up to were getting ready to close the canal behind us to work on a bridge and had heard we were coming so waited for us to pass before closing it. It was funny because it was a beautiful tug (The Erie) so I had to take a picture of it as I passed. After I did, I noticed the tugboat captain was taking my picture in return, and the guy on the barge was snapping a picture of us with his camera phone. We all cracked up - it was funny - I guess you had to be there.
The lock tenders are curious about us and quite courteous. They're quite a breed apart - very special people. I'm convinced they're the friendliest people on earth. Everyone we've met so far has been so wonderful - it amazes me. They take care of you - like you're family - they radio ahead to let the next lock or lift bridge know that you're coming. One couple got yelled at the next day because they didn't show up (decided to stay the night somewhere) so the lock tender was quite concerned about them LOL.
It was hot getting in tonight and after tying up, a shower was in order, then we made Thai peanut chicken for dinner, only I couldn't find my peanuts so used cashews in place. Didn't turn out bad... It feels good to get caught up on the journal...
There's more to Ilion than meets the eye. The Marina and RV Park where we stayed has newer facilities as a result of a grant through a member item from Senator James Seward and other programs from the village. Wi-fi (which I'm currently using to catch up on my journal, grills, blacktop, washers and dryers (pay type) a Veterans Memorial wall and a few other things to attract the RVs and boaters to the village. Very nice - I might add.
A little history of Ilion (a Village in Herkimer County). Ilion (pronounced Ill-E-on) is a name for the ancient city of Troy. It was settled by Palatine Germans around 1725 along Steele's Creek that flows through the village into the Mohawk River. After the American Revolution the community started to flourish with mills, etc. but went through a name change of New London and some of the buildings still have London on them. In 1816 Eliphalet Remington created his first gun, later to become Remington Arms Company and the village continued to grow when the Erie Canal was finished in 1825. In 1843 the citizens wanted a post office but Remington rejected the use of his name for the village so the name Ilion was eventually decided on. So anyone wanting to know where Remington guns began? Yup, right here...