Womans work?!?!?!
02 March 2009 | N25*04.493 W77*18.748 Nassau Harbor Club, Nassau Harbor, New Providence Island

Monday, March 2, 2009
With bread, my meal to start the day was ham sandwiches! I was craving a sandwich! Then we walked to the bank and tried out the ATM. It wouldn't take either of our cards. There was a huge line inside the bank so we went back to the marina to ask where we should go. We were told to try the Texaco Station down the road and if that one didn't work, then the Esso Station past that. Hopefully one of those would work because I really didn't want to walk to the Atlantis Casino to try their machine - I'd probably end up staying and feeding the slot machines LOL. Luckily the Texaco one worked. I was leery of using one in a gas station but we'll see how it ends up. From there we went to the post office to mail out cards. The girl there said "I hope these don't need to be anywhere quick". I figured hey March 5 for the first one, then the next and she said it will take a month if not a year... What!?!?! So we ended up mailing out all the cards for March today. It will be interesting to see when they end up back home! So Greg, Patti, Jack, Lyric, take note of when they get to you - I'll be interested in seeing how long it takes to get from Nassau Bahamas to home. At least they have pretty stamps I guess. The girl at the post office lamented that she never gets mail so it doesn't matter if it takes a year or not to get to her LOL Yikes!
We continued our walk going down towards the cruise ship docks for a while then cut back through town via Shirley Street. Man, everywhere you looked, it had a ghetto feel to it. Security signs posted everywhere, barred windows and doors, barbed wire and quite a few druggies were quite evident. We ended up cutting back towards the water through a churchyard and cemetery. It always amazes me how weathered the tombs are - you can't hardly read any of them - even a lot of the newer ones.
After we got back to the boat I took the laundry to the Laundromat and between washing and drying walked to the hardware to see if they had a replacement bulb for the light in the head (no). Then walked to Browns Marine store (no), then to the next one - success! Finished the laundry and headed back to the boat. Wayne had replenished the fuel and water and had finished scrubbing down the cockpit while I was gone.
Put the laundry away, made up the berth then started dinner (pork, potatoes a gratin and green beans). I feel like little Suzi home maker today. Especially being told that laundry is woman's work - cough, cough... Everyone knows how that set me off I'm sure...
Tomorrow we head for Allen's Cay. Good thing I don't say that Navigation is a man's work, etc... etc... etc...