06 February 2011 | seattle
Strong Track/Bosun's Chair
19 February 2011
After much thought we will take the old Harken Bat cars off and install Strong Track on the mast. The main has been giving us trouble going up and we don't need more of that! We will put a Strong Track on the mast. Uh. oh, dear, us? guess we need to start learning how to maintain KTooT. So much money..... just goes out the door. We are heading up to PT today is get a seat made for me so I can go up the mast easier. Money money down the drain....
Diesel Class??
17 February 2011
We are taking a diesel class on Tuesday. Yup, the 3 of us and are having alot of fun! Learned how to take the impellor out and put it back in. The instructor showed up a great trick and made it easier. I love this class because I love taking stuff apart and putting it back together. Good learning for all. This is the webiste:
Warm weather dreaming?
14 February 2011
raining cats and dogs
Happy Valentines Day!
It's raining and very depressing! Thinking of a walk in the rain to clear my head.
KTooT has new clothes!
06 February 2011
This is the beginning of 6 years of labor of love and tears to get our beloved KTooT ready for her offshore life. Last fall she got a ton of new things: new bottom paint, hull buffed, dodger, head and mailsail covers, Max Prop, TV/DVD combo, stero/speakers/inside and out, new Force 10 stove, new cutting board and new cabinets for storage. This year she is getting new foam for cushions and new Rocna Anchor (33kg) with 300 HT chain and new Fortress 23 - awesome setup!
The list will go on for a while. Next are the new sheets that I will start to fit for the double berth. I have hypervent on the bottom, tnext cover for Memory foam and then the cushions with new foam. The old foam was 4" and I decided to put the same in. Looks and feels great.
Learning how to post!
06 February 2011
I have been working on this for so many hours my eyes are startting to cross! This is my 6th time typing a post and submitting it. Most of them look and sound stupid when I go to the webpage and look at them. I am getting better and can at least post and not forget where it went...!
First things first! There are so many choices out there for webpages, it's so confusing. Most of them seem hard for my feeble brain. This one seems ok for me.
First post
06 February 2011 | seattle
This is my first post.