First Guests of the Season
25 January 2011 | Grenada - Grenadines
Welcome Katy & Geoff !
What a fabulous week we all had ... Katy & Geoff joined us in January from the cold and freezing UK, arriving into Grenada and immediately relaxing into the Lady Liv style. Their weeks stay with us was dominated by high winds and big seas, but they rose to the challenge brilliantly. We sailed up to Carriacou and braved big seas off Kick Em Jenny, visited Tyrell Bay, Sandy Island and Hillsborough, travelled as far north as Canouan taking in the Tobago Cays and PSV of course... Highlights of the week ?? Port Louis Marine and the unexpected stop (don't mention the dinghy), Green Gunge curry, the local guys racing their beautiful model yachts in Charlestown Bay, Canouan, and Geoff trying to throttle the First Mate whilst moving around the dinghy. We laughed and laughed - our Happy photo on Happy Island will be one to remember !! As will feeding the fish by hand in the Tobago Cays. Geoff & Katy were brilliant sailing guests, rising to every challenge, even taking the garbage out - and they let us win at cards too !!