Leaving Malaysia
08 November 2012
After fixing, sometimes in a temporary manner, all our urgent boat problems, we left Rebak marina to motor (no wind) all of an hour to Telaga marina which is on the main island. The purpose of this was to be able to stock up with duty-free booze without having to haul it across on the ferry, and to check out of Malaysia in the handy marina-side customs/immigration base. We spent two nights here and hired a car from the marina to do our shopping. It was a choice of the falling apart really cheapo one at the equivalent of £10, or a slightly better one at slightly more money. We opted for the more expensive one, but unfortunately our first outing was not successful as the car broke down outside the wine shop. However, we did manage to arrange our purchases. We had to get a taxi back, so were unable to complete our other shopping. With no hire car available we were luckily able to hire the marina manager's car the following day, although she was none to happy about it. We completed our shopping in the morning and went to check out in the afternoon, only to find that the harbour master had decided to finish at lunchtime. This meant yet another long trip into town for Michael in the afternoon.
We had a final celebratory meal that evening at a very good modern Malaysian restaurant at the marina before leaving Langkawi the following morning.
We had excellent weather and a very pleasant trip up to Thailand. We had decided to take our time on the trip and spent two nights at our second anchorage, Koh Rok Nok, which must be the only really good place to snorkel around these waters. The sea was calm, unlike our previous visit and we were also able to kayak around the larger island - further than we had thought, as we massaged our aching muscles when we finally reached the boat again.