Around the World

23 February 2013 | Similan Islands Thailand
21 February 2013 | Bay of Bengal
15 February 2013 | Cinque Islands
15 February 2013 | Henry Lawrence Island
12 February 2013 | North Button Island
10 February 2013 | Henry Lawrence Island
09 February 2013 | Havelock Island
06 February 2013 | Neil Island
04 February 2013 | Rutland Island
01 February 2013 | Andaman Sea
30 January 2013 | Port Blair
26 January 2013 | Andaman Sea
26 January 2013 | Andaman Sea
03 December 2012 | Burma
02 December 2012
08 November 2012
08 November 2012 | Thailand
08 November 2012
10 June 2012 | Rebak Marina Langkawi
06 February 2012 | Malaysia

Generator Trouble

26 March 2008 | Pacific Ocean
Jackie and Michael
Hi Only 445nm to go - made v good progress overnight at the cost of being thrown into the air a regular intervals whilst trying to sleep. I had to prize my grip from the mattress when I woke up. Generator stalled last night. Michael changed the fuel filter, which was full of muck - impossible to get clean fuel in Galapagos - but unfortunately we still have a problem - possibly with the coolant system or the impeller. Both engines are working, so not too much of a problem as we can use these to generate power. Our useful manual, badly translated from the German, contains some wonderful advice e.g. Attention! Before opening the de-aerating points the generator must be stagnant!! and ' the coolant must be refilled so long, up to recognizes that the cooling water level does not sag any longer'. However, the diagrams are good, so hopefully we will be able to sort the problem. We are waiting for quieter seas before the next mechanical investigation. Best wishes Jackie, Michael and Kerry
Vessel Name: Lady Kay
Vessel Make/Model: Lagoon 380
Hailing Port: Falmouth
Crew: Michael & Jackie Chapman
Lady Kay's Photos - Main
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Created 1 March 2013
Ha'apai islands with Tamsin and Paul
7 Photos
Created 31 May 2009
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Created 23 November 2008
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Created 13 August 2008
Petra & Bob's birthday party
10 Photos
Created 2 August 2008
2 Photos
Created 24 July 2008