Sailing Leander

Sailing Leander

Who: Sima Baran & Paul Robertson
Port: Boston
22 November 2010 | Fethiye, Turkey
22 October 2010
20 July 2010 | Endeavor Bay, Tawila Island, Egypt
17 July 2010 | Red Sea, Egypt
15 July 2010 | 27 41 N, 33 48 E
14 June 2010 | 14 48 N, 42 57 E
12 June 2010
08 June 2010 | Sataya (Dolphin) Reef, Red Sea, off the coast of Egypt
07 June 2010 | Dangerous Reef, Foul Bay, Egypt
02 June 2010 | Khor el Morob, Sudan
30 May 2010 | Marsa Shin'Ab, Sudan
27 May 2010 | Marsa Shin'ab, Sudan
25 May 2010 | Suakin, Sudan
24 May 2010 | Aden, Yemen
03 May 2010 | Day 5: 160 miles northeast of Aden, 15 miles from the Yemeni Coast
29 April 2010 | Day 1: Passage to Yemen
24 April 2010 | Day 16: 135 Miles From Salalah, Oman
21 April 2010 | Day 13: 460 Miles From Salalah, Oman
19 April 2010 | Day 11: A Little Bit Closer to Oman
18 April 2010 | In the midst of the Arabian Sea

Yola Cikiyoruz

01 December 2007 | Beaufort, NC
Bugun hazirliklarimizi tamamladik ve yola cikiyoruz. Daha dogrusu hazirliklarin bir bolumu tamamlandi, acil olmayanlar yolda ve ileride tamamlanmak uzere rafa kaldirildi. Uydu telefonumuz elimizde, uzun dalga radyomuz hazir. Simdi tekneyi toparlayip, mazotumuza takviye alip yola cikmayi planliyoruz.

Buradan direk doguya donup Bermuda'ya dogru yol alacagiz. Hava tahminleri yolculugumuzun rahat gececegini soyluyor. Hesaplarimiza gore 6-7 gun civari surecek Bermuda'ya yolumuz. Yol suresince buraya yazamayabilirim, Bermuda'ya varinca detayli olarak yolculugumuzu anlatacagim, soz!
Vessel Name: Leander
Vessel Make/Model: Bristol 41.1
Hailing Port: Boston
Crew: Sima Baran & Paul Robertson
About: Following our wedding in Istanbul we are taking a two-year break from land-life and going sailing. Sima is taking time off between strategy consulting and business school while Paul is on a sabbatical from his career as an attorney.

Sailing Leander

Who: Sima Baran & Paul Robertson
Port: Boston