Black Holes
05 August 2019 | 820 Miles East by North of Port Elizabeth, South Africa
Day 59 1pm Monday 5th August 2019 ( UTC +3 )
Over the last little while I have been busy trying to locate and elude those close by holes of the blue variety to contemplate their more distant and ephemeral cousins the black ones. In a scientific fraud that would make even the boyos of the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority and James Cook University blush I was delighted to see a poorly photoshopped picture of a total eclipse of the sun and be assured by a whole bevy of astronomers that this was indeed a picture of a black hole. Not that it was taken by just any telescope or radio telescope - this black hole required radio telescopes placed all over the globe that produced so much data that it could not be transmitted over the fibre optic system so huge numbers of hard drives had to be physically transported to a central data processing facility to come up with this astonishing result, the details of which could adequately be captured by that ultimate black box with a hole - my first camera a Kodak Box Brownie. To add to my amusement there is even a short You Tube clip with an earnest youngish professor saying of course with all these trillions of terabytes of data lots of pictures came out that looked nothing like what a black hole was supposed to look like and so of course were discarded. The reason for my scepticism is that the black hole only came into existence some sixty years ago to correct the errors introduced by the strict application of a formula deduced some 400 years ago that everything in the Universe is attracting everything else in the Universe, a proposition known to be false for longer than a hundred years.
So you see what happens when I'm sailing along in bright sunshine, slight seas, a full main and jib and the Windpilot doing an excellent job of keeping us close hauled at a sparkling pace - I think of Lorraine's question as to whether we ourselves might live in one those Black Holes. The short answer. I do not.