
23 October 2016
03 October 2016
13 September 2016 | Pangaimotu Tonga
08 September 2016 | Pangaimotu
27 August 2016 | Big Mamas Yacht Club Tonga
27 August 2016 | Big Mamas Yacht Club Tonga
21 August 2016 | Big Mamma Yacht Club at Pangaimotu in Nukualofa, Tongatapu, Kingdom of Tonga
06 August 2016 | Marsden Cove Marina
06 August 2016 | Marsden Cove NZ
14 July 2016
11 May 2016 | New House.
27 November 2015 | Southern Pacific Ocean , Berthed Masden Cove Marina Whangeri
25 November 2015 | Southern Pacific Ocean 250 miles to Whangarei
24 November 2015 | Over half way to NZ from Fiji
19 November 2015
08 November 2015
02 November 2015

Blog Update Remote posting

12 February 2014 | La Paz
We are currently back in La Paz after three weeks cruising in the Sea of Cortez North as far as Puerto Escondido. Gwen's Sister Susan has been aboard for a month now and was able to enjoy the cruise and be here for a Smith Family Rendezvous in Puerto Escondido where we met up with Hafa Adai, Dave and Nancy and Mike. Mike has been crewing aboard Hafa for some time now and it was a great opportunity to get the gang together in a tropical setting aboard two yachts. We buddy boated South back to La Paz where Susan flies out on the 14th. Hafa and crew will be in La Paz for three weeks or so and we will finish preparing for the crossing to Mazatlan and depart with the next weather window in about a week or so. Looking forward to getting underway again and visiting new places and more friends. From Maz the plan will be to head to Puerto Vallarta to prepare for the Pacific Puddle Jump to French Polynesia. Now things will get exciting.

I think we finally have the remote posting set up correctly and if so more posts will follow as we are underway.

Vessel Name: A-TRAIN
Vessel Make/Model: Sundeer 60
Hailing Port: Vancouver Canada
Crew: Gwen and Russ Hobbs
About: currently, Aug 2016 ready to depart NZ for warm waters North
A-TRAIN's Photos - Main
229 Photos
Created 3 July 2015
50 Photos
Created 29 November 2014
9 Photos
Created 29 November 2014
2 Photos
Created 29 November 2014
18 Photos
Created 29 November 2014
30 Photos
Created 29 November 2014
6 Photos
Created 15 August 2014
12 Photos
Created 10 August 2014
19 Photos
Created 25 July 2014
5 Photos
Created 14 July 2014
34 Photos
Created 29 June 2014
8 Photos
Created 29 June 2014
21 Photos
Created 29 June 2014
12 Photos
Created 4 June 2014
5 Photos
Created 30 March 2014
One of the nicest Islands in the Sea of Cortez on the Baja side. We flew over it and got a photo from the air, Cool!
20 Photos
Created 6 March 2014
Punta Chivato, a shell collectors dream come true, most people just stand there shaking their head and wondering how it could be possible that so many shells could be in one location. WOW! Gwen collected a few but it was better to just look and leave them there.
13 Photos
Created 6 March 2014
Cabo, Bahia Los Frailies, Los Muertos, La Paz, and North to San Gabriel, San Juanico, Puerto Escondido and across the Sea to Guyamas and San Carlos
20 Photos
Created 6 March 2014
misc photos of getting ready to shove off, various stops along the way and rounding up into Cabo San Lucas
20 Photos
Created 6 March 2014
Misc photos to catch up Blog
59 Photos
Created 5 August 2013