Vessel Name: | A-TRAIN |
Vessel Make/Model: | Sundeer 60 |
Hailing Port: | Vancouver Canada |
Crew: | Gwen and Russ Hobbs |
About: | currently, Aug 2016 ready to depart NZ for warm waters North |
One of the nicest Islands in the Sea of Cortez on the Baja side. We flew over it and got a photo from the air, Cool!
20 Photos
Created 6 March 2014
Cabo, Bahia Los Frailies, Los Muertos, La Paz, and North to San Gabriel, San Juanico, Puerto Escondido and across the Sea to Guyamas and San Carlos
20 Photos
Created 6 March 2014
misc photos of getting ready to shove off, various stops along the way and rounding up into Cabo San Lucas
20 Photos
Created 6 March 2014