Lemons Way

Continuing adventures, observations, and images.

Toasts, desert flowers, and a few pieces of advice

Enjoying good hot coffee in the backyard at B1 while the kids enjoy their first day of summer break. What a pleasure to pick them up from school, compliment them on their accomplishments, hit a few balls at the Ventana driving range together in the distinct presence of my father's spirit, have a home cooked dinner with my mother, then take them home and put them to bed for a safe and pleasant night's sleep. With all the challenges, we are so very blessed. Soon I hope to be back on OZ after another month-long break. The summer is upon us. It rises ever northward as we approach the summer solstice. Probably going to be hot and humid on the sea of Cortez. Often we get one more bout of good weather this time of year, but it doesn't really matter. OZ should remain cool and cozy, even in the most brutally hot and humid conditions, with the awesome marine ac we installed for the family several years ago. It's been almost 7 years since we acquired OZ, I think. Time flies. I've had a sailboat in my life for so long it has become a way of life practically. Not such a bad thing. Maybe I'll even go sailing this time. Don't hold your breath groupie. Guaranteed though, I won't miss a single sunrise or sunset. Peace.
