Lemons Way

Continuing adventures, observations, and images.

Life is meant to be lived

Wound up visiting my father's gravesite today, two spots from where my dead body is likely to end up one day. While there I looked at a number of neighboring deceased and recognized many names from my parents friends and aquantences. It reminded me poignantly about the need to intentionally live while we are alive. So I enjoyed a long walk this morning, tacos from two different places, egg over toast with garlic chili oil for breakfast, a huge salad, steak slices, and green beans for din, a walk at Udal Park at sunset, and a swim at the community pool at dusk when the water was cool but the air still hot. It is dark as I write this sitting outside in front of the house. It's still 98 degrees outside, but I'm comfy from cooling off in the pool and the thermal energy of the sun is not directly on us. At this moment I am reminded of nights on Tropical Dreamer just hanging out on the boat being one with nature. Good health and a peaceful night, groupies. It is quiet, peaceful, and safe here, and, please g-d, we have much living still to do.
