Lemons Way

Continuing adventures, observations, and images.


Had cousin J, friend J, and Nana over last night to make and feast on a load of homemade steamed and fried dumplings. Ever since we discovered cousin J was a dumpling master (she uses the Tibetan slang momo) we've been having get-togethers every few weeks to make and eat them together. C has learned to express herself through them quite quickly. What a great family activity. A good time was had by all and we seemed to have eaten plenty, with some to save for my lunches thereafter. For a loner, I sure do enjoy hosting sunset dinner parties. My life has always been a contradiction. Loner, party host, trial lawyer, peacenik, professional, hippy naturalist, I could go on and on. I told son L we should not have to reach out all the time and should instead let people call us. Even as an 8 year old, he knew enough to reply in his special way that we create our world if it is to happen as we imagine. He knows already that good things don't just come to us. We have to chase a bit too. I'm glad we did.
