Lemons Way

Continuing adventures, observations, and images.

Stick Bug

I've been seeing some really interesting wildlife in Tucson these days. This guy has been on my screen all morning. Just got back from a 25 mile bike ride on the Rillito River trail. The first hour is always fine, its the second hour that gets tough, especially with the wind against me and the heat kicking up. But I'd rather have hot weather than the rain we had the last several days. Not much is happening these days. Doing work around the house, cleaning the Rebounder, which is sitting in my driveway. I took out the honda 2hp outboard engine that was sitting in the motorhome for the last year and I couldn't get it to start - even after adding oil. Not that I need the engine - but if I'm going to sell it for anything decent I've got to get it working. Got started shaving Anne yesterday (its a two day job). Jake is next. With their advancing age and the heat, summer shaving is pretty much a matter of being humane. I'm pretty exhausted from this morning's work-out so I'm making myself a little lunch then perhaps a rest before jumping into the afternoon's activities.
