Departure for Haiti

30 January 2010 | From Miami Beach
Sharon du Plessis
After 2 or more weeks of hard work fundraising, networking and co-ordination, the first relief voyage to Haiti finally departed this afternoon with a full complement of crew and 10,000 pounds of cargo that will mean the world to those receiving it at the port of destination. We are so proud of the fantastic men and woman who have stepped up to the plate and offered their time and resources to crew on this trip. Except for our full time Captain, Jared and our Mate, Justin all the rest of the crew aboard this voyage are volunteers who believe in what we are doing and want to see real people's needs being met. Our thanks also go out to all those who have made donations of finances or of supplies, without your generosity we would still be tied up to the dock. While the boat is out at sea, and for the duration of their adventure, we have a ground support team based in South Florida who will be working tirelessly to get as much information as we possibly can posted so that you can be kept abreast of breaking news from our team and from the ground in Haiti. We have waypoints set up en route for the vessel to report their location in to us and we'll be posting these updates here on the blog and in Facebook and Twitter. We will be continuing to raise finances and support to ensure that this is not the first and last endeavor, but that we can continue to offer aid to the devastated country of Haiti for the foreseeable future. If you feel you'd like to be a part of our efforts in any way, please comment on this blog or email us at
We are praying for fair winds and following seas for our valiant captain and crew.
Vessel Name: Liberty Schooner
Vessel Make/Model: 78' Steel Schooner
Hailing Port: New York
About: Philip and Sharon are committed to life transformation. Our vision for the Liberty Schooner is to create a unique learning environment as a catalyst for a life transforming experience. We want people to develop to their full potential.
Extra: Our Leadership Coaching and Sail Training programs realize positive life change for leaders and teams in such a way that they increase their effectiveness and influence in every area of their lives, in the office and at home.
Home Page:

Leadership Development &Team Building aboard the schooner Liberty

Port: New York