Email from Captain Bill

21 May 2008 | Dorchester, NJ
Captian Bill Noe
Dear Philip,

Got up to Cape May last night from Key West. It was
an interesting trip and I might add a difficult one
with lots of heavy weather.

As we approached Cape Fear the wind increased to about
force 6 and stayed there for two days. The wind was
out of the South West and on our stern. We could not
sail. The wavs got about 10 to 12 feet and it was a
lumpy ride and steering kept you busy. I must say
that the boat is a superb sea boat and the motion was
very comfortable and sleeping easy.

As I rounded the Hatteras red buoy at midnight, a
squall came across us. It blew 60 or so for a while
and the seas got very big and confused. That was
rather exciting except that a hugh ship was passing on
my port side. Then for some odd reason I still can
not figure, he turned to port and I saw his red and
green lights coming at me and then his green light. I
threw the wheel over as he came across the bow. We
passed starboard to starboard at a distance of about
500 meters. Of course while ass this was happening,
the wind from the squall was blowing rain across the
deck. All very exciting!

From Hatteras to home was lumpy but uneventful.
Heading to New York soon.
Vessel Name: Liberty Schooner
Vessel Make/Model: 78' Steel Schooner
Hailing Port: New York
About: Philip and Sharon are committed to life transformation. Our vision for the Liberty Schooner is to create a unique learning environment as a catalyst for a life transforming experience. We want people to develop to their full potential.
Extra: Our Leadership Coaching and Sail Training programs realize positive life change for leaders and teams in such a way that they increase their effectiveness and influence in every area of their lives, in the office and at home.
Home Page:

Leadership Development &Team Building aboard the schooner Liberty

Port: New York