Home At Last!
05 June 2008 | New York Harbor

The Liberty Schooner departed from Leesburg, NJ for her final leg of the delivery trip from Key West to New York harbor.
While in Leesburg, the Liberty Schooner got a facelift and enjoyed Gene's wonderful hospitality of accomodating the crew while the boat was being worked on. Some of the things done were, new tiles in the galley, water tanks refurbished, plumbing overhauled, galley floors sanded, and the decks, bulwarks and cap-rail repainted. The team worked hard, and did an outstanding job. Liberty really does look new now!
Captain Bill Noe, Gene, Ekkehardt, Sharon and the kids were there waiting for the new crew members to arrive. The crew arrived on Sunday afternoon, for a Monday morning departure. The new crew members were, Dan, Jay, Anthony, Paul and Tony, and it was great to have them aboard.
We left on the high tide, and passed the Schooner, A. J. Meerwald as we entered the Delaware bay, under full sail. We were able to sail all the way down the bay, making 9-10 kts with the outgoing tide, and rounded Cape May point and headed north.
The wind died soon after that, and we fired up the iron genny, and made good time up the NJ coastline. At 01h00 we determined we would arrive at Sandy Hook in the dark, and not wanted to get mixed up with all the New York Harbor traffic, decided to slow down.
We tied up at our new slip, i-8 in the Liberty Landing Marina at 09h30, after a really fantastic trip.