Hanging out on Liberty
13 October 2008 | Delaware Bay
As we were sailing we put the hammock on the boom. Then Luke went out first. After being out there for a while Luke came back in. Then it was Ruthie turn to go put on the hammock. After Ruthie wanted to come back in that's when it hit me. My adrenaline hit me I knew it was time for me to go out there. So I stepped on the hammock as we were moving. The whole time I was afraid that a shark would come up and bite me. Or the rope would break. Then my adrenaline died and I went in. Then I told Sharon to go out so she did for a little bit then she came back. Luke went back out for like an hour. Rich wanted to go out but not on the hammock. So he stepped up onto the boom and walk along without clipping on to anything to his harness then he hocked on to the rope. After like 10 minute he got down. It was soooo much fun.