Kids Aboard Liberty

19 October 2008 | Baltimore, MD
Captain Bill
In Baltimore members of the Liberty crew hosted middle school students. The students went through three stations:

Knot tying with Spencer, Code flags with Theresa and boat nomenclature with Philip and I. Of course throughout their educational experience the sound of cannon fire delighted the students.
Vessel Name: Liberty Schooner
Vessel Make/Model: 78' Steel Schooner
Hailing Port: New York
About: Philip and Sharon are committed to life transformation. Our vision for the Liberty Schooner is to create a unique learning environment as a catalyst for a life transforming experience. We want people to develop to their full potential.
Extra: Our Leadership Coaching and Sail Training programs realize positive life change for leaders and teams in such a way that they increase their effectiveness and influence in every area of their lives, in the office and at home.
Home Page:

Leadership Development &Team Building aboard the schooner Liberty

Port: New York