Strategic Partners

21 October 2008 | Willoughby Bay
Today was our first day in our new location in Willoughby Bay, and we had to get off to an early start.

We had the privilege of hosting the leadership team from New Life Providence Church for an abbreviated team building exercise. They arrived promptly at 08h30, and after brief introductions, we had a lot of fun reviewing their Winslow assessments. We focused on the team aspect of their Winslow results, but since they had not yet received personal coaching/interpretation, we kept it informal and at a high level. By 11h00 they were ready to go sailing. Our crew got the boat off the dock, and raised the headsail and mainsail, and then handed the reigns to the team from New Life Providence. They did a great job raising the remaining sails, and navigating the shallow waters of Willoughby Bay under the careful watch of our crew. They are a great team!!!

Immediately following the team building event, Dr Joseph Umidi, founder and president of Life Forming Leadership coaching, our host while down here, brought his staff, and allowed us to participate in their staff meeting. The picture is of Dr Joe and his staff.
Vessel Name: Liberty Schooner
Vessel Make/Model: 78' Steel Schooner
Hailing Port: New York
About: Philip and Sharon are committed to life transformation. Our vision for the Liberty Schooner is to create a unique learning environment as a catalyst for a life transforming experience. We want people to develop to their full potential.
Extra: Our Leadership Coaching and Sail Training programs realize positive life change for leaders and teams in such a way that they increase their effectiveness and influence in every area of their lives, in the office and at home.
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Leadership Development &Team Building aboard the schooner Liberty

Port: New York