Liberty on the Hard
03 December 2008 | Leesburg, NJ

Monday morning dawned bright and calm. It was time to haul Liberty out and check that all was good down there.
The last time Liberty was out of the water was in February for the marine survey in Key West, Fl. Since then, Liberty has been in her slip in Liberty Landing Marina, Jersey City, NJ.
When you change the water chemistry, and the electrical environment, it can change the rate at which your sacrificial anodes corrode, and we wanted to ensure our hull remained well protected. This was the purpose of the haul out, and while we were out we wanted to check the bottom paint, the cutlass bearing, and the shaft packing.
The good news is that we splashed back in today, with all our objectives accomplished. The bottom looked great, the zincs were all removed polished up, some small blisters ground down, primed and painted with bottom paint, and the shaft packing replaced. Captain Bill still had time to finish off the cabinets, and I got some rust under the cap rail taken care of. All in all, we worked hard, and accomplished a lot.