
Cruising aboard the trawler and meandering south. Hope to see you out there.

07 April 2020
03 April 2020
03 April 2020
02 April 2020
31 March 2020
23 March 2020
23 March 2020
22 March 2020
21 March 2020
20 March 2020
17 March 2020
14 March 2020
10 March 2020
10 March 2020
10 March 2020 | White Point, Great Guana Cay Exuma
07 March 2020
07 March 2020
07 March 2020
06 March 2020 | Little Bay, Great Guana Cay Exuma
05 March 2020 | Blackpoint

Boot Key Harbor Lighted Boat Parade

10 December 2018
Santa Claus arrives in Boot Key

This past Saturday a Christmas Boat Parade was held here in the harbor. We had a front row seat for viewing where we are moored so we invited a few people over for drinks and snacks to watch with us. The other boats joining us were Godspeed, Nereus, Never Say Never and Vagabond. The parade was nice and we had fun.

Every year the boaters here in the harbor take up donations in order to buy bikes for the needy children in the area for Christmas. As well as cash donations, boaters donate items for auction. The auction was held on Sunday. David bid on and bought a few items, including a Christmas present for Nick. Between cash donations and money raised at the auction the marina plans to purchase 40 bikes and helmets.

Update: Enough money was raised to buy 78 bikes. Way to go Boot Key cruisers.
Vessel Name: Lilliputian
Vessel Make/Model: 49 Marine Trader Custom Pilothouse
Hailing Port: Louisiana
Crew: David, Deb, and Nicholas (sometimes when he wants to fish or dive...LoL)
About: David and Deb purchased their first boat together before they were even married! Thirty plus years and son Nicholas later and they are still at it! Having just switched from a Gulfstar 50 Ketch that was home for 22 years to a trawler is the focus of this new adventure.
Extra: Totally Retired!!! Now just hanging out on the boat and going back and forth to the Bahamas.. Say hello if you see us!

The Lilliputians

Who: David, Deb, and Nicholas (sometimes when he wants to fish or dive...LoL)
Port: Louisiana