Too much fun
31 July 2013 | Miles Inlet
We have been in remote areas and completely out of touch for the past several weeks, but have been to some amazing places, met interesting people, and observed nature at its best.
Fitz Hugh Sound provided us with more humpbacks than boats. Their pattern is to surface three or four times over a three to eight minute period, then dive to greater depths displaying their entire tail end as it flips up and then down. An awesome sight!
We’ve walked beaches and walked through old growth forests. We’ve seen tons of eagles and ospreys, some diving for fish. Being anchored in calm and peaceful coves and inlets, the language of the birds is a wonder. As well, one night we heard a long two minutes of howling wolves during the twilight hours.
Fury Cove on Penrose Island offered landlocked protection from stormy seas, yet we could still see and hear the ocean just beyond the inside sandy spit.
On clear nights, we can easily see the Milky Way and beyond.
One morning, we heard a thunderous landslide in the hills behind us. We’ve enjoyed many sunny and warm days, some with enough wind for hoisting the sails. But Fogust (foggy August) seems to have arrived a little early as we were hunkered down for a few days waiting for it to dissipate. After spending a full day at low speeds in sometimes zero visibility and constant monitoring of the radar, we decided to wait it out before crossing Queen Charlotte Strait.
By the way, some areas on Vancouver Island and the BC coast claim up to 200 inches of rain annually.
In summary, we are having way too much fun, breathing way too much clean air, and eating almost too much crab.