Out of Bounds

22 March 2017 | Ho Chi Minh City (or Saigon as most Vietnamese refer)
29 January 2017
27 January 2017
27 January 2017
26 January 2017
26 January 2017
26 January 2017
25 January 2017
20 January 2017
19 January 2017 | Riverside Pottery Homestay
18 January 2017
17 January 2017 | The Old Town, Hoi An, Vietnam

Log update.. This years adventure takes us on our very first trip to the other side of the world, Vietnam Asia! Jan 15th to April 8th, 2017

17 January 2017 | Riverside Pottery Homestay, Hoi An, Vietnam
We landed in Vietnam on Monday, January 16th @ 7:50pm departing from Toronto (via Air Canada) Sunday morning, with one stop over in Hong Kong. During our connecting flight from Hong Kong to Vietnam, Steve's watch alarm went off (Canadian time 6:30 am) and we both realized we had been awake for over 24 hours, and we weren't even there yet. Somewhere along the line, AM became PM and we lost a day and had missed martini hour!
Let's talk about our flight with AC.. well, picture this. Soon after settling in, Steve lost his kindle down the side of his seat and tried to shove his head in between his V'd like wide spread legs, knees jammed on either side of the seat in front, and I thought he'd never come up breathing! I'm laughing so hard as I type this, because I'm tired, but it was a sight to see and I took pity on the poor guy! To make a long story short, I decided it is far to long a trip, for Steve to be jammed into a seat with his right shoulder in the window well, unable to budge and today I paid the big bucks and upgraded to Exit row seats for our flight home!
Unfortunately, both airlines were delayed for one reason or another adding to the already long journey. We arrived late to Hong Kong, which shortened our stopover time but made for a mad dash to the ticket counter of Cathay Dragon. Finding the ticket counter wasn't a problem. Signage was in English as well as Cantonese. Getting to our departure gate was surprisingly a challenge. It was easy enough after we went back to the counter to get further instructions. A couple of escalators down to catch a subway-type train, departing at the next stop, two escalators up to catch a bus that took us over to another building and following the crowd until we walked past a kiosk with a large "?" to ask how to get to our gate. Of course! We had to go through departures but I couldn't see the sign to save my life. "See that green Light over there. Follow the Green light." A Great Gatsby move!
We landed late with Cathay Dragon but we were through customs, with bags in hand, by 8:40pm. Steve walked out to the street to find our driver holding a sign with our names on it while I gathered up the entails of our carry-on luggage. When I walked out, Steve was nowhere in sight. I was so tired I just stood there staring at the crowd. Finally, I heard a gruff "Margaret, over here!" and with that, I found we were only two steps away from our car. With Steve in the front seat, he began to try to start a conversation with the driver but after a few words with the driver constantly trying to apologize for not having the same understanding of English, Steve realizes it's pointless. "Stupido gringo" doesn't bring a laugh here. What he did say "speak wittle Engish ..45 minette".
The drive to our Homestay was 45 minutes of terror! And this was not because of our driver. He was cautious and considerate of every bump in the road and we gave him the equivalent of $5 for getting us to the Riverside Pottery Homestay in one piece! The terror was due to the amount of traffic from Pedestrians, bicycles, motorbikes (with parents and babies), taxi's, and buses taking up every inch road, all squeezing into the same lane, from all directions. It was a nightmare! With a couple of near misses, I took Steve's advice and closed my eyes.
Once at our homestay, we were greeted by the family and invited to eat and chat. You can imagine how tired we were. I politely apologized and turned down a free meal! What kind of cruiser does that! We instead, asked for a glass of water, which arrived heated! So, then Steve asked for a couple of beers! Eventually we were shown our room and hit the sack around 10PM (our time 10 AM). Goodnight all.
Vessel Name: Lion's Paw #315
Vessel Make/Model: Whitby 42 #315
Hailing Port: Registered in Edmonton.. why not eh!
Crew: Marg & Steve Colquhoun
About: Coming full circle around the Caribbean, we have sold Lion's Paw and are now Cruisers Living on Dirt.. but you can't take the sailor out of anyone.
Extra: This blog is meant for family and friends whom wish to share in our adventure. I plan to add a few comments along the way that may be of help for those wishing to embark on a similar voyage. Looking forward to meeting you out there!
Lion's Paw #315's Photos - Main
Our First Trip to Asia..destination Vietnam.
550 Photos
Created 28 January 2017
This might be our last time aboard Lion's Paw:(
85 Photos
Created 4 July 2016
Family and Friends (turf & surf)
17 Photos
Created 9 November 2015
14 Photos | 1 Sub-Album
Created 3 March 2015
18 Photos
Created 13 February 2015
Our trip to Trujillo
44 Photos
Created 8 February 2015
51 Photos
Created 17 June 2014
15 Photos
Created 7 June 2014
17 Photos
Created 26 March 2014
Boquete is a small town on the Caldera River, in the green mountain highlands of Panama, in western-most Chiriquí Province, about 60 km. from the border with Costa Rica.
25 Photos
Created 15 February 2014
Never say good-bye... just ¡hasta luego (see you later).
13 Photos
Created 17 October 2013
While Steve's out fishing, I've been taking photos of L.P.
21 Photos
Created 28 March 2013
1 Photo | 10 Sub-Albums
Created 29 August 2011
1 Photo | 2 Sub-Albums
Created 30 January 2011
23 Photos
Created 30 January 2011
1 Photo | 4 Sub-Albums
Created 22 December 2010
21 Photos
Created 13 December 2010
35 Photos
Created 5 December 2010
53 Photos
Created 5 December 2010
1 Photo | 4 Sub-Albums
Created 28 November 2010
85 Photos
Created 3 October 2010
26 Photos | 1 Sub-Album
Created 17 September 2010
6 Photos | 5 Sub-Albums
Created 26 August 2010
22 Photos | 2 Sub-Albums
Created 11 July 2010
1 Photo | 4 Sub-Albums
Created 16 June 2010
1 Photo | 6 Sub-Albums
Created 10 May 2010
1 Photo | 2 Sub-Albums
Created 6 May 2010
1 Photo | 2 Sub-Albums
Created 3 May 2010
1 Photo | 2 Sub-Albums
Created 3 May 2010
1 Photo | 6 Sub-Albums
Created 6 April 2010
44 Photos | 4 Sub-Albums
Created 20 March 2010
83 Photos | 2 Sub-Albums
Created 11 March 2010
72 Photos | 3 Sub-Albums
Created 10 January 2010
11 Photos | 1 Sub-Album
Created 31 December 2009
1 Photo | 15 Sub-Albums
Created 5 November 2009
1 Photo | 5 Sub-Albums
Created 28 September 2009
13 Photos
Created 27 September 2009
1 Photo | 6 Sub-Albums
Created 15 September 2009
7 Sub-Albums
Created 8 September 2009
1 Photo | 6 Sub-Albums
Created 8 September 2009
1 Photo | 10 Sub-Albums
Created 8 September 2009
1 Photo | 6 Sub-Albums
Created 8 September 2009
25 Photos
Created 23 May 2009
7 Photos
Created 30 April 2009
Aquafit Participants
44 Photos
Created 11 April 2009