Laundry Day. Everyday we venture to one or two markets and this was obviously a good day to do Laundry! It has been a little snotty weather wise and today there wasn't a cloud in the sky.

Dust Bin Collection is Monday, Wednesday and Friday for Organic and Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday for Non-organic. It cost us $1.10US/mo (25,000 vnd)
We just put our bag of garbage outside in a clay pot (provided by the owner after one night Mark hanging it from a neighbours tree) and it disappears.
Early one day on our walk to the market we found it!
The Green Taxi

The green coloured Taxi is metered and always a fair price. Taxis so far have been between 50,000 - 70,000 vnd ($2-$3.50 US). The taxi to our homestay from Danang Airport was $14US