Quindalup, WA
29 December 2013 | Port Geograph Bay, WA

So here we are in Quindalup. A gentle breeze blowing and a dozen friends on their way to go sailing with us. Been here a week already and it is amazingly beautiful. There was about 20 boats of various shapes and sizes when we arrived, but we are now one of a few hundred and apparently the sailing club has another 20-30 arriving today and tomorrow. But still plenty of moorings available and room to anchor everywhere. So we're looking forward to the next week or so.
And then I guess back to work and finally pull the boat out of the water and start getting that long list of jobs done. We would like to have the boat out of west Australia by the end of summer, one way or another.
The sail down here was dead easy and the wind has been 10-20kn the whole time. our solar panels and wind generators are keeping up sort of, but don't think they are producing enough power for the amount we have. More
Well, we hope you are all enjoying your end of year break and will post something when we get back to Fremantle.
07 November 2013 | FL
Louna in FL 2011
Drying the main sail in the marina
07 November 2013 | Fremantle
Drying the main sail in the marina after a very wet winter. The guy in the house across from the marina took the photo and sent it to us. Thought we'd share it!
04 September 2013 | Kalbari, Western Australia
The Indian Ocean on the West coast of Australia about 150ft above sea level, rough and beautiful.
On the Hard in F.L
20 June 2013 | FL
In FL before coming to Australia 2011 On the Hard in F.L
Fort Lauderdale, FL
20 June 2013 | FL
In FL before coming to Australia 2011