Sailing ON, to Union Island and Tobago Cays
29 December 2024
• Union Island, the Grenadines
by Ken Hilk • Sunny and warm

I know many sailors have experienced the cruising grounds that we are now sailing in with our daughters but these islands are magical, and it all the more amazing that we are here six months after a Category 4 hurricane blew through. Friday moring we sailed (no motor) along the coast of Carriacou with a nice easterly breeze and made the bay at Anse La Roche. After swimming about a mile and snorkeling most of the rocks on the shore around the bay, we weighed anchor and again sailed all the way to Chatham Bay. We enjoyed a nice beam reach on our sail and the First Mate took the helm all the way to the next anchor spot.
Yesterday morning, we slept in a bit, then again did a one mile swim from the good ship Lover Of The Light due north to the rocks, then west along the shore and back to the boat. Both Silvana and Sofia are in training for a marathon/ Ironman triathlon, and so they followed up our long swim with a 5 mile run on Union Island.
In the picture shown here, views of Union Island remind the skipper and Mate of the rugged ridges one can see upon reaching the Marquesas in the Pacific, although of course not as high.
In the afternoon yesterday, facing a moderate wind blowing straight into us from the north northeast, we chose to motor the one hour distance to Tobago Cays.