SV Lover Of The Light

Sailing Circumnavigators Cruising the Reefs and Islands

A Sporty Ride Into Martinique!

Sailing a Beam Reach (somewhat) to northern Saint Lucia

Sailing Another Close Reach, to Bequia

Sailing to the Grenadines, a fire on Union Island

Jan 6 week 2025, maintenance and adventures in Grenada

Downwinder to Carriacou, and then Grenada

Sailing a Close Reach to Bequia

Sailing ON, to Union Island and Tobago Cays

Sailing north to the islands

Daughters Arrive for Xmas and Cruising!

Secret Harbor in Mt Hartman Bay, Grenada

Brief Reunion with Pachamama in Grenada

Sailing ON to the islands!

Diving the reefs in Tobago

Anchored in Charlotteville, Tobago, Man O'War Bay

Sailing to Tobago - LOTL has a new Genoa

Diversion to Scarborough, then on to north side of Tobago

Sailing again!

Exploring Southern Trinidad

Successful launch back into the water, and a Sea Trial

Fresh coating on prop and running gear

The Bilge Project and Ship's Bonding System


Lover Of The Light has a fresh coat on her bottom!

Leaving the US: to Trinidad and the Boat!

Back to the Islands!

Sailing to Trinidad; End of a Circumnavigation of a Lifetime

Sail to Carriacou and Grenada and Related Adventures

Sail to Mayreau; Last hurrah in St Vincent Grenadines

Sail to Mustique; and Fun Facts on 2023-24 World ARC Rally

Sailing and Cruising in St Vincent and the Grenadines

Maintenance Work and Hanging Out in Rodney Bay, St Lucia

Hanging in Marigot Bay with 24 hours to go - Reflections

Sailing back to St Lucia - Day 460 - Wow!

A Great Sail to Bequia

An "Exciting" Sail to Canouan in the Grenadines

Adventures and Relaxing in Tobago Cays

Sailing/ Cruising to Union Island, Chatham Bay

Skippers with the WARC "Staches"

Departed Grenada; Sailing On to Carriacou

Adventures in the Caribbean; Grenada

Landed in Grenada; Completed True Circumnavigation!

The Final Night Watch, On Approach to Grenada!

Sailing to Grenada - Day 3

A Special Tribute to All Our Crews on Lover Of The Light

Sailing ON: The Final Push for the Skipper and First Mate

Devil's Island, (Iles Du Salut), French Guiana

Adventures in French Guiana

Wind, Squalls and Final Approach Into French Guiana

Passing the Amazon, Mahi Mahi, and Another Big Milestone

Re-Crossing The Equator

Day 6 - Sailing to French Guiana

Day 4 - Sailing to French Guiana

Day 419; World ARC Circumnavigation

Sailing to the Amazon River, and French Guiana

Arrival into Cabadelo, Brazil

Sailing, Squalls and More Fish

Sailing On, to Cabadelo, Brazil

Ilha Das Vacas, and More "Cruising" in Brazil

Cruise to Ilha Do Frades ( The Isle of Friars)

Carnival in Bahia, Brazil

Adventures in Salvador

Landed In Salvador, Brazil

The Final Downhill Run into Brazil

Closing in on Salvador, Bahia in Brazil

Day 12 Sailing to Salvador, Brazil

Lover Of The Light Sailing On

Day 10 Sailing to Brazil

Another Night Watch on the Atlantic Ocean

Sailing in the Southern Atlantic Ocean

Sailing to Salvador, and a Return to "Normalcy"

Sailing On to Brazil, Day 6

Becalmed in the Southern Atlantic Ocean

Day 3 - Atlantic Crossing to Brazil

Sailing On, the Atlantic Crossing to Salvador, Brazil

Adventures in St Helena; Final Prep to depart for Brazil

Final stretch to St Helena Island

Starting Day 8 to St Helena

Day 6 - Sailing to St Helena

Day 4 Atlantic Crossing to St Helena

Tradewinds sailing on a broad reach

Sailing on, the southern Atlantic crossing to St Helena

Touring in Namibia

Day 4 to Namibia, and another major Milestone

Day 3 complete on passage to Namibia

Sailing On! Crossing the southern Atlantic Ocean

Extended Shore Leave - and a brief Hiatus on Blog Reports

Arrival in Cape Town

Rounding the Capes Of South Africa

Sailing on, to Cape Town

Landed in Port Elizabeth

The Magic Carpet Ride

The Magic Carpet Ride

Sailing on, the South Africa "Wild Coast"

Zululand Yacht Club, Adventures ashore, Repairs, Saying goodbye to George

Arrived in South Africa!

Aiming for the Agulhas stream and South Africa

Day 6 sailing to South Africa; Fronts, Squalls and Gales

Sailing Around Madagascar, Day 5 to RSA

Day 2 to RSA, Approaching Madagascar

Sailing ON, to South Africa

Landfall in La Reunion Island

Adventures in Mauritius, Crew Changes

Landfall in Mauritius

Wahoo! on Day 13, and Whales

Day 12 to Mauritius, Fresh water, Heads and the Stowaway

Day 11 Indian Ocean - Sailing On In Search of More Wind

Sailing On: Day 10 Of The Long Indian Ocean Crossing

Over Halfway to Mauritius

"Sailing A Serious Ocean"

Day 4 Indian Ocean - Fresh Caught Fish for Dinner

The Long Indian Ocean Crossing - Day 2

Day 1 Sailing to Mauritius

Sailing On: The Long Indian Ocean Crossing to Mauritius

Landed In Cocos Keeling - A Beautiful Place

Anticipating Landfall Soon in Cocos Keeling

Sailing On, Day 2 to Cocos Keeling

Carrying On; Sailing On The Indian Ocean

Greatly Missing Family; Sailing On In The Indian Ocean

Greatly Missing Family; Sailing On In The Indian Ocean

Our Stay In Lombok and Preparations to Depart

Finishing Day 6 Sailing to Lombok

Half Way Around the World!

Indian Ocean, Day 4 Report

Sailing On in the Indian Ocean, Day 2 report

Anxiously Awaited News Arrives!

A problem on departure for Lombok

Preparations for Crossing the Indian Ocean

Finishing Day 7 - 20 miles to go to Darwin

Day 6 - to Dundas Strait and the Howard Channel to Darwin

Day 5 to Darwin - Fresh caught tuna for dinner

Day 4, across the Arafura Sea, Indian Ocean

Day 3, on to Darwin!

Sailing on Through Queensland Australia

Snorkeling and hiking Lizard Island

Great Barrier Reef, Lizard Island

Sailing North From Cairns

Diving Great Barrier Reef 2

Diving on Great Barrier Reef

Sailing on the Great Barrier Reef: More Whale Sightings

Cruising in Australia: Magnetic Island

Sailing to Whitsundays

Wallabies in Mackay and Sailing On in Australia

Lauren and Ryan going walkabout in Australia

Sydney - walkabout Day 2

In Sydney - on land doing walkabout

Day 6 - Sailing to Australia

Day 3 - Sailing to Australia

Day 2 - Sailing to Australia

Sailing On - To Australia!

WARC sailors going to the Mt Yasur Volcano

Mt Yasur Volcano, Tanna Island - Vanuatu

Day 3 - Sailing to Vanuatu

Sailing On - Westward to Vanuatu

Viti Levu, Fiji

Sailing On Through Fiji

Rainbow Reef Final Dives; the WEST wind on Wednesday

Sailing and Diving Fiji

Savusavu, Vanua Levu in Fiji

FIJI: Taveuni and nearby islands

Finishing cruise of Lau Group Fiji

Cruising in Fiji - Week One - Lau Group

Landed in Vanua Balavu, Fiji

Sailing to Lau Islands in Fiji

Sailing on: to Fiji

Finishing Cruise in Tonga - Leaving Today

Anchoring out on Avalau Island in Vav'u Tonga

Tonga cruise week 2

More snorkeling adventures and a Tongan Feast

Day 145 Circumnavigation - Cruising in Tonga

Sailing On: to Tonga!

Landed in and Enjoying Niue

Day 8 - Pacific crossing to Niue

Sailing now with the "Iron Jib" to Niue - Day 7

Adventures in South Pacific continue; now Day 6 ....

To Cook Islands, Day 5

Day 3 Sailing to Cook Islands, and Squalls

Sailing on in Pacific, to the Cook Islands

Sailing to Bora Bora

Raitea and Motu Tautau, Tahaa

Raiatea, French Polynesia

Huahine, French Polynesia

Moorea, French Polynesia

Update in Punaauia, Tahiti

Papeete, TAHITI

Sailing to Tahiti!

Day 105, Finishing our tour of the Tuamotu; Rangiroa

Day 102, Sailing to Rangiroa

Day 99, Fakarava, the Tuamotu

Day 97, at sea, sailing to Fakarava, Tuamotu

Makemo, Tuamotu in French Polynesia

Relaxing in Raroia

In the Tuamotu

Arriving at the Pacific atoll Raroia in Tuamotos

Day 3 sailing to Tuomotos Islands

Day Two sailing to the Tuomotos Islands

Departed Marquesas Sailing for Tuamotos

Sailing Onward into the Pacific

HAPPY BIRTHDAY to the First Mate in Nuka HIva

Cruising in the Marquesas, and fresh caught tuna


Finishing Day 22 - Land Ho!

Day 21 Report - good day on LOTL

Day 20 report - perseverance in adversity

March 19/ Day 19 report - less than 500 miles to go

Day 18 report - the downhill run

Day 17 - Happy Saint Patrick's Day from the Pacific

Day 16 Update - sailing westward on the Pacific Ocean

Day 15 - The Downhill run to the Marquesas

Day 14 report - making for Hiva Oa

Interim report Day 13 - Raindancer crew rescued

Day 13 - Responding to Mayday, sinking of Raindancer

Day 12 - Marquesas

Finishing Day 11 - Halfway to Marquesas! however,

Sailing on - Day 11 - to the Marquesas

Sailing on - Day 10 - miss Family!

March 9 ( Day 9 Marquesas)

March 9 ( Day 9 Marquesas)

March 7 Report ( Day 7 Marquesas leg)

Starting Day 6 of the long Pacific crossing

Day 3/4 Marquesas - Getting to the Tradwewinds

Departing on Sail to the Marquesas - Day 1

Red footed boobies off shore Galapagos

Bird Watching on North Seymour in Galapagos

Diving with Sharks yesterday- Galapagos

Diving with Sharks off Santa Cruz in Galapagos

Sailing from San Cristobal to Santa Cruz today

Finished Leg 3 and now in the Galapagos

Day 5 to the Galapagos -Lover Of The Light crosses the Equator

95 Miles from the Equator!

Day 3 report - Leg 3 to Galapagos

Leg 3 Update - Sailing on to the Galapagos

Lover Of The Light is in the Pacific Ocean!

Going Through Panama Canal Today

Lover Of The Light is in Panama Canal!

Finishing Up in San Blas and Heading to the Panama Canal

Great Video by Greg Raybon on the San Blas start

WARC Report from San Blas Islands - Finished Leg 2

World ARC Leg 2 - DAY 1 report

Status Lover Of The Light in Santa Marta and Stories from Leg 1

World ARC Day 5/6 and Finish of Leg 1 to Santa Marta!

Day 3 World ARC Circumnavigation

Day 2 World ARC Report

Day 1 WARC Leg to Santa Marta

WORLD ARC Starting in 2 hours, Starting Line at 1200 AST

Sailing From Bequia through squalls to Marigot Bay in Saint Lucia

In Bequia, Grenadines - Final planned stop before Saint Lucia

80 Miles to Grenada Yesterday

Week 4 - In The Water

Week Three - Trinidad Maintenance winding down

Week 1 Maintenance and Refit in Trinidad

Preparations Continue for World ARC 2023!