Sailing a Close Reach to Bequia
After a great open water swim all the way around Baradal Island in Tobago Cays, we cut our mooring and started sailing for Bequia, to join friends and celebrate the New Year.
The skipper expected forecast NE winds at 40-50° true compass heading...
The skipper expected forecast NE winds at 40-50° true compass heading...
Sailing ON, to Union Island and Tobago Cays
I know many sailors have experienced the cruising grounds that we are now sailing in with our daughters but these islands are magical, and it all the more amazing that we are here six months after a Category 4 hurricane blew through. Friday moring we sailed...
Sailing north to the islands
The day after Christmas (Boxing Day), we cut ties on the dock in St George's and started the 5-6 hour sail north to Carriacou. We initially motor sailed in medium light wind, hugging the coast of Grenada to be able to duck under the islands north, including...
Daughters Arrive for Xmas and Cruising!
Sofia and Silvana arrived to Grenada and brought a duffel bag of much needed boat parts, supplies and a soda machine (which heretofore could not be found in either Trinidad or Grenada, surprisingly). We visited some of the best places in Grenada, the lake...
Secret Harbor in Mt Hartman Bay, Grenada
Well I can say for sure this is a pretty well kept secret here in Mt Hartman Bay in Grenada. This is one of the best mooring fields we have ever been in. The bay is very protected with very flat water and so far there has been almost no roll. The breeze...
Brief Reunion with Pachamama in Grenada
One of the amazing benefits of sailing on the WARC Rally, circumnavigating and making such great friends that have such a lasting bond. The skipper and mate have been so fortunate to have seen many of our great friends on almost a dozen boats from the rally...