Here are the statistics of our sail from St. Thomas to Beaufort, NC
Total distance sailed: 1320nm
Departure: May 4, 2019 0930
Arrival: May 12, 2019 0930
Elapsed time: 8 days
Average SOG: 165 nm/day
Maximum boat speed under sail: 9.2 knts
Time under power: 93 hrs
Fuel consumption: 65 gallons
Rate of fuel consumption: .7 gallons/hour
Fuel consumption per nm: 10 nm/gallon at an average speed under power of 7 knts
No whales spotted, no fish caught (didn't even try)
Watch schedule: Basically 2 hours on / 2 hours off at night, much more relaxed during the days. After loosing our auto pilot we went to 1 hour on, 1 hour off for the last 84 nm.
12 check-ins on the SDR SSB net
7 SSB weather reports from Chris Parker
Numerous Grib file downloads via the Iridium Go. That worked perfectly as long as I kept the file size reasonably small.
Only two annoyances as commented in previous blog.
On balance a very safe, comfortable and enjoyable voyage.
Life on LB:
My First Mate, My Lady, My Wife, My Best Friend doing her thing in her office.
The Captain keeping track on the paper charts as well as electronic chart plotter.
The Captain checking-in with the SDR net via SSB