The Road Well Travelled - Our Planned Route Through the Bahamas
01 June 2010 | Turtles Cove, Provo (T&C)
Juli CT; humid; squally
Well, that is it. We are finally off to the Bahamas tomorrow, after sitting around in the T&C far too long. We have been taking our leisurely time seeing the island of Provo, doing a few boat projects and then waiting out the thunderstorms in the area. Didnt relish being out in lightning storms again.....In fact, as I type this blog this evening, there are torrential rains splashing on our deck and thunder rumbling - with the odd lightning flash to the east. (The storm thereafter turned into a fully fledged thunderstorm, complete with significant lightning - including large lightning bolts which lit up the entire sky. This went on for several hours).
So, after pouring through charts/guidebooks and given some much needed Bahamas advice from S/V Blue (thank you!) here is our projected path through the Bahamas and back to Florida - if readers have any comments/suggestions on these areas, I would love to hear them as this is our first time sailing in the Bahamas. Given that John and I by-passed the Bahamas and the T&Cs on the way South (from Florida, Route 65) we are newbies to the areas. Also, unfortunately, I wish we had the foresight to pick up one or two more Bahamas chartbooks/guides before we left the US. Right now we are going to have to make due with our electronic map, Van Sant's book, the Dozier guide and our Maptech kit of the NW Bahamas. Unfortunately, neither Puerto Rico nor the T&C had a decent selection of charts available for purchase.....
Here is our projected path via the Bahamas (with perhaps a few extra pit stops) - although with no projected arrival date to Florida as of yet. We will continue to take our trip one step at time, watching the weather, staying in places we like longer than others we don't like. Wish we had more time to take it all in but with Hurricane Season officially upon us, it is about time we got back to the U.S.
1) Turtle's Cove Marina (T&C) to West Plana (estimated time to arrival is 15 hours) - Western anchorage. With winds expected at 10+ knots from the SE, and the northern swell slowly dissipating this week, we expect this anchorage should be ok for a night. If we dont like what we see, we will move on.
2) Conception Island - this island was highly recommended and we look forward to a bit of snorkelling or diving or lobster for dinner (anchoring on the NW side).
3) Stella Maria Marina on Long Island - need to check into customs here after squeezing through the shallow channel itself. Liked the idea of being able to use the resort's amenities, including its pools, watersports while we take a day or two breather here.
4) Venturing through the deeper water passage at Cape Cay, and then taking a lovely sail north along the Exuma Bank (West of the Exuma Cays). Originally we were going to head for Georgetown to check in (and it sounded entertaining for cruisers) but think we may give this bay a miss this time around.
5) May make a few stops along the way in the Exumas, depending upon time, weather, and our inclinations such as Sampson Cay, Allan's Cay.
6) Nassau - Without a working dinghy (still) we are discussing treating ourselves to one of the fancy marinas here, such as Hurricane Hole Marina or the Nassau Club, although it looks as though we are returning to US style marina pricing again ($2.25+ per foot).
7) Freeport - I am thinking we may stop at the Grand Bahama Yacht Club to wait for our "weather window" for our perfect passage back through the Gulf Stream to Florida - there appear to be some "deals" going on for slip rates and the amenities and grounds look rather decadent, as per the website. We will likely head for Fort Lauderdale but will also attempt to head in further north if the weather is right and we have the stamina for it. Final destination will be Jacksonville (Sadler Point Marina).