The End of our Journey
19 April 2007

We have arrived at Solomons, MD after a long days travel from Norfolk. We traveled 16 hours to our destination. While cruising up the Chesapeake memories of Luna Sea's early days came into mind. The times when we were reading manuals on how to anchor the boat while in the process of anchoring the boat, docking the boat without dock lines, using apparent wind to sail downwind instead of true wind, and our early spinnaker adventures. These experiences shaped our sailing abilities and forced us to learn quickly and handle situations in an efficient manor.
The memories of this trip will have an effect on our lives forever. We learned how to work together to handle stressful situations, appreciate and rely on each other daily, and respect our surroundings. The trip was the hardest thing that we have ever accomplished in our lives. Each day there were new problems to solve, narrow channels to navigate through, rough weather and seas to sail, and beautiful islands to explore.
We must thank our parents for receiving our mail, taking care of our belongings, sending us important equipment, and being there for us this entire trip. Without their help this trip would have incorporated an entire new set of variables that we were not ready to explore.
Luna Sea is currently in Annapolis "on the hard" waiting for her next sail. We are very grateful that she brought us back home safely and took care of us during our adventure. The memories of the Bahamian islands, blue water, and the incredible people we met along the way will be with us for the rest of our lives.
Norfolk, Va
16 April 2007
We arrived in Norfolk two days ago after crossing the Pamilico and Ablemarle Sounds, the Dismal Swamp, and the bridges of Norfolk. The past few travel days prior to arriving in Norfolk were uneventful which is the way we like it. We enjoyed free dockage at the Elizabeth City town docks and treated ourselves to dinner and a movie at the Carolina Movie Theater.
We are concerned about the most recent weather forcast. We were invited to dock at the Norfolk Yacht Club to wait out the storm. The winds are reaching 40knots and the waves crashing over the floating docks making them impassable. Our current plan is to leave here on Wednesday and hopeful arrive in Solomons by Thursday. Just our luck, the most violent storm we have seen this entire trip hits us 2 days from home. We are safe and secure and enjoying the amenities of the yacht Club. I will try my hand at squash later today and go for shower number 2.
South Carolina
05 April 2007

The last few days have been filled with intense traveling, boat chores, and tourist activities. We enjoyed an afternoon on Cumberland Island. We both mixed in with the tourists except we left our fanny pack at home. While exploring the island Maddie played with the armadillos and wild horses. She got up close and personal with Maddie"dillo". Perplexed as to what it was she sniffed the body armor and then decided that it was not a furry creature like herself.
The following day we decided to spend the night in Fernandina Beach ad stage for our crossing the Charleston the following day. All of the boats that have been making the passages with us left the day before so we were on our alone. We ventured 30 miles out into the Atlantic with the lure trolling and spirits high. We motored into the evening and through the night. We were alone in the ocean with a full moon. We arrived in Charleston the following morning and were greeted by some friends of our from the Bahamas. What a small ocean! Following a night of lost sleep we did the following chores:
cleaned the boat
walked 2 mile to a Mexican restaurant (it has been 5 months since my last cheese dip)
walked to the Grocery Store
changed the oil
filled the fuel cans
filled the water tanks
All before dark. Needless to say we were exhausted. We made plans for the following day to take the ICW for the next week until the winds and seas settle down. They are calling for gale force winds tomorrow out into the Atlantic. The calm waters of the ICW are a welcomed changed from the rough seas we have seen in the past.