23 February 2013 | Placencia, Belize
Beth / 80's and a few showers
We headed back to town to reprovision, do laundry, and reconnect – and also to be part of two cruisers gatherings. The gatherings were very different, but both important in the lives of those who live on their boat for part or all of the year.
The first occasion was a service to honour the life of Francine Raymond (Rendezvous). She passed away in Belize City in January, and it was time for the community to gather around Peter as he and her many friends remembered her. Friends told stories with affection and humour, Dave (Cordelia), Liz (Espiritu) and Susie (Cabaret) sang songs, Angie (Blue) read poems, Isabelle (Le Notre) wrote a memorial booklet, and John (Cabaret) led the service. Again and again, folks commented on her spirit and capabilities and said their lives were richer for knowing her. Folks back in Ontario will know them from their summer home near Gananoque, and they’ve been cruising these waters for a few years so they have a huge group of friends here. We never had the pleasure of meeting Francine, but we’ve gotten to know Peter a bit since we’ve been in Placencia, and if she was anything like him, she was pretty cool!
On Thursday, Dave (Cordelia) was playing at Paradise Resort so that set our agenda for another day. Stay in town, run errands, have lunch with friends, go hear Dave. Paradise Resort is right next to Yoli’s on the waterfront facing the anchorage and it also welcomes dinghies to their dock. They serve a great breakfast (and other meals) with wifi service and we can fill jerry cans at the convenient water faucet on the dock.
Dave is a fantastic musician – we first heard him in Vero Beach a few years ago and it was great fun to listen again. He has a great new-to-us song about the Rio Dulce, and, since the crowd was composed of many cruisers who spend time there, he had us all in his hands. In fact, just as I wrote about being absolutely happy snorkeling through the coral gardens at North Long Cocoa a week or so ago, I felt the same way the other night as I listened to Dave sing. The wind blew softly, the water lapped, the room was filled with new and old friends and the music was sublime. I was filled with joy. It was enough.
We’ve been enjoying the community here, but it is time to go again. We’ll head out to the cays, maybe even get to Glover’s Reef. We’ll check out of Belize and head for Roatan (we hope). The winds might shift more to the North to give us a good run down in the middle of next week. We need to get Liam to an airport so he can connect with his flight from Guatemala City to New Zealand on March 6. If we don’t make Roatan (Honduras), we’ll go to Guatemala.
Flexibility is key!! And community is everywhere. And joy can be found in any moment.