Shopping, Snorkeling, Doctoring, Dining
22 March 2014 | West End, Roatan, Honduras
Beth / mid 30's

Luckily for me, Susan (Vida Dulce) invited me to go grocery shopping on Thursday, so I got the crash course in what's where, and good company to boot!
Jerry dropped us off at the main dock - just past the pagoda-like boathouse and before the big 2 story floating patio - and we walked left along the main street. Susan pointed out several tiendas/convenience stores, produce stands, their favourite restaurant and the place John sings on Thursdays. And then we caught a collective bus to the big stores. 25 lempiras (exact change please) per person (paid when you get off) took us all the way to the big Eldon's and Plaza Mar stores near Coxen Hole.
After checking prices at both stores and collecting what we wanted from each (just as in French Cay Harbour, practically everything you could ever ask for is available here), we hailed a taxi and for 45 lempiras per person we got dropped off right at the end of the dock. I like to support the little tiendas but it's good to know where to get the best prices for a big provisioning trip.
In the afternoon, Jim and I strolled through town, checking out shops, saying hi to Kim at Earth Mama and finding a cute little sundress for me! We finished off with a cold beer at the German Restaurant, Por Que Non? Hmmm - does every Bay Island have a great German Restaurant?
On Friday, we decided we'd better do something about Jim's sore and swelling ear. This was just starting but he is prone to ear infections so we altered our usual "Let's wait a day and see how it is" routine and took a cab to the clinic at Anthony's Key. We had heard it is a good one and it proved to be true. After a 5 minute cab ride, we opened the clinic door, the doctor said, "How may I help you?" and he was whisked into the examination room. 10 minutes later we were out of there with confirmation that the ear was infected, antibiotics in hand and instructions to see a doctor again in a week. All for the total cost of $38. US. I was fascinated to see the decompression chamber right in the waiting room. It was empty and the other folks in the waiting room were watching the TV perched on top of it, but Linda (Northern D Light) said when she was there, there was someone in the chamber recovering from diving complications.
John played at the Cigar Bar this week on Friday so we joined Dave and Linda (Northern D Light) and Jerry and Susan (Vida Dulce) for some music. John is a great singer - he says he has 200 songs in his head - and had a knack for adjusting content to his listeners - lots of Neil Young, Billy Joel, Beatles as well as some of his own compositions for the crowd that night.
We both snorkeled the reef one day, but Jim decided to stay out of the water to let his ear heal so I went solo on the next couple of days. He loitered in the dinghy while I explored the blue channel - nice but not as nice as what we found in Guanaja - and on Saturday, I swam out to the reef behind our boat while he stayed on board. I was so proud of myself! Once upon a time, I wouldn't go more than 30 feet from the boat without a pool noodle, and now I swim - with flippers and in salt water - 300 feet and more. As I float along among varied coral, watching brilliantly coloured fish, I always find myself feeling so happy. The words come right into my head - "I am SO HAPPY right now!" What a wonderful feeling. The reason varies and it may be for a moment or a day, but if I could bestow a gift on everyone, it would be to experience that pure sheer happiness.
We both got a little more pleasure when we visited Entre Pisco y Nazcar, (the Peruvian Restaurant) for lunch on our last day here. What beautiful, creative, tasty food. Our favourite was Causa Maki - pressed yellow potato rolls stuffed with avocado and served with shrimps in Nikkei sauce and crispy sweet potato threads. It was beautiful, delicious and unlike anything else I have ever tasted. The Cebiche Mixto (ceviche) had bass, calamari, octopus and conch with red onion, cilantro and little bowls of Peruvian dried corn and sweet potato on the side. They have a bountiful Sunday brunch that everyone raves about as well. Next time....!