Back in Halifax
03 July 2014 | Halifax NS (crew), Cayo Quemado, Guatemala (Madcap)
Beth / mid 20's in NS

Oooh – this is the most negligent I have ever been in keeping you informed of our whereabouts! Sorry to have dropped out of sight entirely for almost 3 months.
We had a wonderful whirlwind visit to la Antigua during the first days of Semana Santa. Jim got his dental implant … ummm … planted. We visited with friends, saw some theatre, heard some music, watched parades, took Elizabeth Bell’s tour on Palm Sunday (a recommended way to see what is where and hear some history of the processions), and were totally awestruck by the carpets and processions.
Once back in Halifax, we launched quickly into “Spring Cleaning” mode. And we had quite decent spring weather for - well – a week or so! We freshened up the back deck, washed windows, pulled warm clothes from the closets and spread ourselves out all over the house. In a way, it was a reverse procedure to what we had just done in putting Madcap to bed for the summer: cleaning and polishing, sorting clothes, checking cupboards, getting things ready for the change of season. And I got my fix of “hands in the dirt” gardening! The weather turned cold again and stayed that way until about the end of June, but we have launched fully into summer now.
Family-wise, it has been a remarkable spring. Mary Beth returned home from her final year of medical clerkship rotations and was ready to dive into graduation festivities. Liam and his girlfriend, Christine returned to Canada from New Zealand and spent 3 weeks here with us in Nova Scotia. Alex came from Ottawa for Mary Beth’s graduation, and MB’s boyfriend, Graham arrived from Calgary. Graduation week was so much fun – even for parents! Our home was party central on several nights as Mary Beth’s classmates – several of whom have lived in our house over the last 4 years – gathered to celebrate. At the end of a week of festivities, we watched as over 100 brand new doctors graduated from Dalhousie Medical School. What an exciting day. We were so lucky to have our family all gathered together for it. And then the next week, we had one more thing to celebrate. Mary Beth and Graham got engaged!
It wasn’t long before they all headed off again, Alex back to Ottawa, Liam to New Zealand, Christine to Sweden, and Mary Beth and Graham to Newfoundland where she will spend the next 5 years as a Radiology Resident. And so we are on our own again – embracing the land based part of our lives.
We enjoyed visits from Steve and Sandra (Yonder), Jeannie and Jim (Estelle) and Jessica and Matthew (Heart’s Desire), and we look forward to welcoming Mary and Blair (Strathspey) later in the summer. Queen Mary II is in port today; the Jazz Festival starts on Friday. My peonies are in blossom, and the strawberries, blueberries and raspberries all look like they will bear fruit this year.
I am delighted to let you know that I’ve had an article published in a local magazine – the Atlantic Boating Guide. Check it out at Scroll down to find the 2014 issue. My article, “Nova Scotia’s Eastern Shore: a Paradise for Gunkholing” is page 70. Although I’ve been enjoying writing this blog for 7 years, I have to tell you it is thrilling to see a story of mine in print!
We’re keeping our fingers crossed that Arthur doesn’t cause too much damage as he whirls up the coast. Jim and I both send our best to all of you – northerners and southerners - on land and on sea. Enjoy the summer!