02 November 2007 | South Pacific Ocean, between Tonga & New Zealand
23 October 2007 | Nuku Alofa, Kingdom of Tonga
22 October 2007 | Uoa, Hapai Group, Kingdom of Tonga
13 October 2007 | Lifuka, Hapai Group, Kingdom of Tonga
12 October 2007 | Vava'u Kingdom of Tonga
28 September 2007 | Vava'u Kingdom of Tonga
18 September 2007 | Port Maurell, Vava'u Kingdom of Tonga
11 September 2007 | Vava'u Kingdom of Tonga
07 September 2007 | Niue
02 September 2007 | Niue
26 August 2007 | Alofi, Niue
21 August 2007 | South Pacific Ocean
20 August 2007 | South Pacific Ocean
10 August 2007 | South Pacific Ocean
09 August 2007 | Maupiti, French Polynesia
06 August 2007 | Bora Bora
19 July 2007 | Opunohu Bay, Moorea
19 July 2007 | Opunohu Bay, Moorea

Home are the Sailors, Home from the Sea

09 July 2011 | San Francisco, USA
Cutting through the fog, we arrived in Monterey Marina, where Kara took a slip on her new bike and in slow motion I watched as she disappeared into the cold harbor water. A hot shower warmed her back up while I fished for the new bike with the help of the dinghy anchor.
Another long day brought us to Half Moon Bay and still not in San Francisco.
The closer we came to the Golden Gate bridge the colder it got, the wind pierced through us and no amount of extra clothing could warm us up.
Out of the harbor a few yards away from the exit buoys that guards the reef, the engine cut out. The tank was empty. Magnum only pitches back and forth in the waves. The crew gets slightly sea sick. The good news is that we have another tank full of diesel, we only have to get the air out of the line and voila, San Francisco here we come. When the bridge finally comes into view, Kara runs around in excitement. And yet she says: "I guess I'll miss the good old boat life". Under the great golden structure we make out a small but recognizable motor yacht skippered by the man who managed years ago to interest me into buying his first boat, a wooden folk boat. It was Peter Jeal and his wife Suzi. When close enough we recognized Daniel, on camera duty and Maxime on flag holding duty. The flag read "welcome home Magnum. The flag was too far away to wish a little tear out of Anne's eye.
Magnum sails under the GG Bridge after almost 5 years crossing oceans, over 35000 miles and 37 countries.
It is time to start living from our memories and continue to do so for the next few years.
We just hope we don't run into friends and acquaintances asking us "hey, didn't you guys want to go somewhere, on a boat or something?"
Magnum over and out.

Point Conception Behind, Golden Gate Lies Just Ahead

06 July 2011 | Monterey, California, USA
Patience paid off, as we rounded the dreaded Point Conception in calm conditions, with maximum gusts of 18 knots- this is calm! Typically this cape is best rounded between midnight and 8am, and most boats anchor in the bay just before it and wait. But at 4pm, the usual afternoon wind, didn't peak higher than 10 knots so we continued on, motoring through the night, on our final overnighter. We arrived in Monterey the following afternoon. Visibility was about 400 meters, and we had to sound the fog horn a few times. About 1 mile from the shore of Monterey we emerged from the fog into sunny skies and made our way into the marina. The yelping of sealions cut through the silent eeriness of Northern California's coastal fog. Indeed we are home-well almost. 2 nights rest here and then early on Friday morning, we're bound for Half Moon Bay. From there its only 18 miles into San Francisco Bay. So, all going well, before the next break in the weather, we should be sailing under the Golden Gate Bridge on Saturday July 9th at noon before moving over to our slip at Emery Cove Marina, in Emeryville just across the Bay Bridge. Hoping to arrive there by 2pm. We'll keep you posted with more exact times as we get closer.

Almost Home, But Not Quite Yet

29 June 2011 | Santa Barbara, California, USA
As you can see all is well in Venice Beach,Southern California!
It's true that we have crossed oceans in less time than it has taken us to move through Southern California. But there is this obstacle in our way, called Point Conception; often referred to as California's Cape Horn, due to its extreme forceful winds that blow rather consistently. It's half way between San Francisco and San Diego and while conditions are mostly benign south of it, the cape itself and locations north of it typify the colder temperatures and foggy conditions that fare more prominently in northern California. Hence, we are foreigners down here in Southern California, and the friendly people who stop by our boat remind us just how much, by asking us how long it took us to get down here from San Francisco! They couldn't possibly conceive of the notion that we might be heading north instead, back to all that cold and fog that makes them wince upon a mere mention.
We got to relax in the San Diego area for about a week, enjoying a reconnection with our friends Peggy and Ray, ex cruisers who we sailed with for a time, and who welcomed us into their home with open arms into which we dropped a huge pile of dirty laundry. Only if you have lived on a boat can you appreciate its significance.
We also stopped at New Port Beach and met up with a family who we hung out with in Mexico 4 years ago while on their sailboat.
Its hard not to like the lifestyle down here where everything revolves around the beach, and all the cool babes, surfers and skateboarders that surround it and of course the never far away shopping center that offers all the things no one needs. Right now we lie here waiting in Santa Barbara, (a very pleasant place to hang out), for the final window of opportunity to sail north, looks like it may happen around July 4th in the midst of the holiday celebrations.
Vessel Name: Magnum
Vessel Make/Model: Peterson 44
Hailing Port: San Francisco
Crew: Uwe Anne Kara
About: Anne Crowley Kara Dobers
Extra: http://www.sailblogs.com/gallery/magnum
Home Page: http://www.sailmagnum.com
Magnum's Photos - Magnum: Anne Crowley,Uwe Dobers, Kara Dobers (Main)
A much more exciting transit than the Suez canal 9 months earlier, another epic moment in the voyage as we re entered the Pacific Ocean
21 Photos
Created 28 May 2011
We spent an enjoyable 2 weeks exploring these close knit group of islands, home to the Kuna Indians. It was the first time in a while that we felt like we were cruising and not racing to get somewhere. Many cruising boats chose to make it their home by staying long periods of time. The Kuna's still live in a very traditional way, and create the most intricate sewing cloths called "molas". We hooked up with other kid boats, which pleased us all, and Kara certainly enjoyed her last taste of island life
32 Photos
Created 27 March 2011
The passage from Aruba to Colombia can be one of the roughest passages in the world, thankfully ours was not too bad, as we paid close attention to the weather. We sailed direct to the big city of Cartagena, and took the bus to the old city of Santa Marta
14 Photos
Created 27 March 2011
Late at night on December 23rd 2010, we made landfall at St.Lucia, 22 days after leaving Canary Islands, with a 2 night rest at Cape Verde in between. We were tired but happy to have made it in time for Santa's arrival. Daniel and Philippine flew in from SF and joined us for Christmas and came aboard to sail down through the Grenadines with us. We continued on to Grenada with brief stops at the Dutch Antilles islands of Bonaire, Curacao and Aruba.
21 Photos
Created 15 January 2011
First stop in the Canary Islands was Lanzarote, followed by Fuerteventura and then to the Capital of Las Palmas to await weather to Cape Verde. We had 2 short nights in Mindelo, before the Atlantic crossing to the Carribbean
9 Photos
Created 15 January 2011
At tip south end of mainland Spain lies the British territory of Gibraltar. It marked the end of the Meditteranean, and entrance to the Atlantic Ocean
9 Photos
Created 15 January 2011
Our first stop in Spain was at the Balearic Island of Menorca. From there we continued rapidly through Mallorca, Ibiza and Formentera, before arriving at mainland Spain. We left Magnum in Alicante and took the plane to visit beautiful Barcelona. Halloween was spent in Cartegena befor continuing on to Gibraltar.
16 Photos
Created 15 January 2011
Stops at both Sicily and Sardinia were brief, but enjoyable nonetheless. The island of Favignana, off Sicily was just beautiful as were the quiet anchorages in southern Sardinia, especially with the end of high season
8 Photos
Created 22 October 2010
A quick detour to Malta to pick up our mainsail made us glad to see the old city of Valetta
12 Photos
Created 22 October 2010
We meandered slowly through the Dodecanese, Cyclades and Peleponnese islands, together with Kleiner Bar. Despite the high winds in some places and the high temperatures, it was a truly enjoyable few weeks
30 Photos
Created 22 October 2010
Reaching Turkey was greeted by all with relief, and a feeling of returning to civilisation. Delicious food, warm waters, wonderful anchorages and many things ancient
12 Photos
Created 23 August 2010
After arriving in Turkey in late May, we took a break from the boat to visit our families and enjoy the comforts of land for a month
15 Photos
Created 23 August 2010
From the endless desert to the ancient temples of Luxor,endless baksheesh in the suez canal; A box of contrasts.
25 Photos
Created 25 May 2010
After crossing the Gulf Aden, Eritrea was our first introduction to the east coast of Africa. From the Italian colonial feel of Eritrea's Port Massawa to the remoteness of Sudan, both countries were certainly unique. In Sudan, taking pictures was sometimes difficult as most Sudanese expressed great reluctance toward it, so we eventually put the camera away.
34 Photos
Created 21 May 2010
After Maldives, it was a 12 day sail into Oman, in completely new surroundings. After managing to go through the pirated Gulf of Aden, we arrived in Aden, Yemen, another new experience
34 Photos
Created 11 April 2010
From Sri Lanka we sailed to the Northern Most Atoll of the Maldives Islands called Uligan. We swam and relaxed for 7 days in this slice of paradise, clear water and tons of fish
24 Photos
Created 13 March 2010
From Galle Harbor, we took a 5 day trip inland via train, and bumpy buses with our companions on Kleiner Bar
27 Photos
Created 11 March 2010
From Phuket Thailand, we began our progression west, our first stop being the beautiful and remote Andaman Islands, a welcome break from the chaotic and busy Phuket
28 Photos
Created 25 February 2010
From Langkawi Malaysia, it was a brief trip up to the first island in Thailand,south of Phuket. We spent Christmas on the west side of Phuket, at Nai Han Bay with my sister and family. Travel in Thailand was limited,as the passage to the Indian Ocean beckoned by January.
50 Photos
Created 9 January 2010
From Indonesia, we motored our way through the maze of the busy shipping lane of the Malacca Strait, and into glitzy Singapore for a brief stop. We then continued along the Malacca strait on the west side of Malaysia stopping at Pangkor, Georgetown (Penang) and finally on to the last Malaysian island of Langkawi.
33 Photos
Created 8 January 2010
From Ashmore Reef, we sailed north toward Central Indonesia to Rinca and then sailed the southern route to Lombok and Bali. From there we sailed north in the Java Sea to the last exit port of Indonesia to the Island of Batam
74 Photos
Created 19 October 2009
Our first stop at an Ocean reef, Ashmore reef, still part of Australia, although closer to Indonesia, did not dissappoint. We spent about 5 great days here.
9 Photos
Created 8 September 2009
Our last passage in Australia brought up along the reefs of Eastern Austrlalia, around the rugged top end of Cape York to our last port of call in Australia:Darwin
11 Photos
Created 27 July 2009
As we left New South Wales, we moved slowly up the Coast towards Queensland, haven of wonderful weather and sandy beaches
49 Photos
Created 22 June 2009
Pictures from our first port of entry at Coffs Harbour. We then made our way down the coast to Sydney where we spent Christmas and New Year. We took a road trip to Melbourne for 2 weeks in January. Then toward the end of Febuary we sadly left Sydney and progressed back north.
67 Photos
Created 27 February 2009
From the Loyalty Islands of Lifou, Mare, then the Capital of Noumea and the Idyllic Isle De Pins Further South
42 Photos
Created 10 December 2008
Vanuatu's Capital Port Vila where Kara celebrated her 6th Birthday, and Islands of Malekula and Espirito Santo
27 Photos
Created 22 October 2008
Our First Destination in Vanuatu was Tanna, home of the Mt Yasur Volcano
41 Photos
Created 10 September 2008
A few pictures from Viti Levu on Fiji's Western Side
38 Photos
Created 20 August 2008
We left the boat in Tauranga and drove to Wellington, where we took the ferry to the South Island. We completed the circle of the South Island by going down the West Coast and back up the East Coast
89 Photos
Created 31 March 2008
Our first trip in the North Island brought us From Tauranga to Roturua, Hamilton,Waitomo Caves,Galatea, Taupo,Whakatane
37 Photos
Created 23 January 2008
50 Photos
Created 12 October 2007
32 Photos
Created 5 October 2007
30 Photos | 1 Sub-Album
Created 22 June 2007
36 Photos
Created 22 June 2007
16 Photos
Created 12 April 2007
31 Photos
Created 6 February 2007
55 Photos
Created 20 January 2007
6 Photos
Created 20 January 2007
5 Photos
Created 20 January 2007
5 Photos
Created 20 January 2007
6 Photos
Created 20 January 2007
1 Photo
Created 20 January 2007
19 Photos
Created 20 January 2007
5 Photos
Created 1 December 2006