Majakal Moon

06 June 2013 | Shelter Cove HK
06 June 2013 | Bluff Island Hong Kong
07 July 2012 | 7th July
07 July 2012 | Pak Sha Chau
02 July 2012 | Port Shelter
07 March 2012 | Port Shelter
07 February 2012 | Port Shelter
07 January 2012 | Pak Lap

HK SAR Establishment day

02 July 2012 | Port Shelter
30 degrees
Overnight with the Peerses at Bluff Island Beach. Dave was his usual witty self & had us in stitches. He even cooked breakfast. Jackie set up this blog, because we're too useless, and has even contributed the first photos.
Some good sailing on thr Sunday but homeward passage on Monday was disappointing, no wind and sloppy seas. Didn't stop Dave having half a dozen naps. Beautiful night on anchor at Bluff Island... Paradise and all to ourselves.
Vessel Name: Majakal Moon
Vessel Make/Model: Nigel Roberts
Crew: Mike & Jenny Madden

Majakal Moon

Who: Mike & Jenny Madden