I brought this angel topper home along with a star the other day. For some reason I could NOT find our Christmas tree topper this year and oddly enough, I also couldn't remember what it looked like! But when I was trying to organize photos in Picasa AGAIN (never ending task) I found out why. I couldn't remember what was on top of our tree last year because we had nothing but a big ribbony bow up there!
This angel never made it to even a trial run on top of the tree, Marianna latched onto her and hasn't let go since! She stuffed the star onto the tree in a blazing-the-way-to-Bethlehem angle, called it good and placed the angel in the spot of honor closest to the Nativity.
It occurred to me last night why she loves her so. Her Great Grandmother always sent her glowy angels for nightlights when she was a tiny thing.
I think I'll leave her plugged in tonight. :)